Chapter 4

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As we walked to the Café where we usually hang out. I couldn't help but think about what happened last summer. I didn't think he'll come at all since he but disappeared the day after I embarrassed myself. No explanation, no contact, no nothing. I heard from Dii he packed up and left at the crack of dawn. I admit I was kinda hoping he'd be there first thing in the morning. I went home that day as well with Dii and I never heard anything from him again. Dii might have had an idea as to what happened but just couldn't bring myself to ask her because she might question me why and I wouldn't want to answer her. I didn't want to tell her that I caught feelings for her cousin simply because it's going to make everything awkward. 

When we got back to the city, it was back to reality with school and life. I kept myself busy and temporarily forgot about Chris but then summer came and literally said come back and remember me.

"Hey Annie. What's wrong? You've been spacing out." May asked as she walked beside me while the others are having a conversation of their own.

"It's nothing May. I'm alright." I said, giving her a small smile. I doubt she believes me though. She's always been the intuitive among us.

We arrived at the cafe and Lilly, the barista we all know gave us a welcoming smile as soon as she spotted our big group.

"Hey guys! It's been a while since I saw you all together. Welcome! Your usual table is open. I'll take your orders in a minute." She said and went back to the counter but not before winking at Chris.

I frowned at that as went to our seats and I immediately took the window side, next to me is May then Kath and Kat. The other side has Dii across me, Alex by his side then Chris and finally Rick.

"Are you alright Niinii? You seem a little out of it." Rick asked me from across the table.

"Yeah you've been acting really weird since yesterday Nii. What's up?" Dii said while scanning the menu.

"Nothing. I'm fine really guys!" I gave them a bright smile, enough to keep them from asking questions.

Dii gave me a look that means she will be bugging me later. I shrugged as Dii asked everyone what they want.

"What does everybody want?" Lilly came to our table. Smiling widely with an unnoticeable red lipstick painted on her lips which I swear wasn't there a moment ago.

"We'll have 5 burgers, 3 large fries, 2 chicken salads, a set of tuna sandwich,es and for the drinks, a milkshake, 2 banana smoothies, a soda, 3 beers, and a pitcher of water please." Dii summed it up for all of us as Lilly noted all of it.

"Coming right up!" Lilly said cheerfully.

"If you'd excuse me, I need to use the restroom." I said and stood up making my way to the restroom on the far end of the diner.

I went inside and did my business. I went out of the cubicle and looked at myself in the mirror as I washed and dried my hands. Sure enough, I seem a little bit flushed. I tapped my cheeks and subconsciously urged myself to snap out of it.

I went out of the restroom only to be greeted by the person I'm keen on avoiding. He also was coming out of the guy's restroom. We stood there for a minute without saying anything. Great! I forced myself to start walking, giving him a nod and avoiding eye contact. I almost passed him by him when he decided it would be a great idea to talk to me. Note the sarcasm.


I was forced to stop in my tracks as he grabbed my wrist gently. My breath hitched at the sound of my name and the feel of his warm hand. Why is he talking to me now?  A ton of questions swarmed inside my head and my heart was doing summersaults. Calm down would you?

"Annie. About last summer. I —" He started. I looked at him as he pursed his lips and looked me in the eyes and sighed.

"I know it's long overdue but I just felt like I owe you an apology and the guys for leaving without prior notice. Something came up and my dad called me that night and wanted me to go back as soon as possible. I took the very first flight home. I'm sorry. A lot happened last year, I wasn't able to get in touch even with my cousins."

We stood there in the middle of the hallway awkwardly. I processed his words and I felt the burden off my shoulders as he explained himself. 

"Thank you for telling me Chris but you didn't really owe me an explanation. It's no big deal really." I badly wanted to ask him what happened but then again, who was I? 

"Well, thank you for hearing me out." He sighed and awkwardly touched the back of his neck, but a frown on his lips.

"No problem. So —, I guess we better get back before Dii eats the sandwiches." I smiled halfheartedly.

"Yeah, let's go." He smiled back but it didn't reach his eyes.

We went back to the table and true enough Dii started eating her burger, fries, and milkshake. It's still a mystery to me until now how she could eat all that and still look snatched.

I took a seat and marveled at my Tuna Sandwich. I love Tuna with a passion! I fell in love with Tuna when we went to a Japanese store and bought some onigiri. I became obsessed since then.

"Dii, slow down would you? You might —" Before Alec could even finish his sentence, Dii choked on her burger then she unbelievably choked more when she attempted to chug her milkshake. Rick quickly handed her a glass of water.

"Im alive!" She stood up shouting after drinking the water, took a big sigh, took a seat, and continued eating.

"Unbelievable." Alec just shook his head in embarrassment and continued to eat his fries. Everyone just laughed it off. 

"Is that all you're eating Annie?" May asked me as she also munched on her burger.

"Yeah. I had a big breakfast and Gigi's apple pie so I'm not that hungry." 

"Gigi's Pie? Do you have some leftovers? Can we have some?" Kat and Kath asked simultaneously. Everyone just loves Gigi's pies.

"I know there are some leftovers! I saw it in the fridge." This girl knows more about my own grandmother's house than I do.

"I didn't really check but Gigi would usually make it in big batches. We could stop by Gigi's house after —." I stopped after I realized I didn't really know about the plans for today.

"Uhmm, where are we off to again?"

I asked them and looked at everyone but they just grinned at me. 



Sorry for the very late update! My studies were taking a toll on me and I've buried my head on books for the past few weeks.

Anyways, hope you're all doing fine and I'll try to keep the updates coming. ♥️

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