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One mirror is equal to one reflection, but a shattered mirror is equal to many reflections.

But, what if the mirror represents a DREAM and the reflection represents HOPE? One DREAM, One HOPE. Shattered DREAM, many HOPES?
No, that isn't possible, right?

What if you wake up on day and find out that all the beautiful moments that happened in you life was nothing but just a part of your DREAM?

And what happens if that DREAM becomes a HOPE for you to live?

But, every DREAM has to come to an END. What happens if that DREAM ends and you no longer have that HOPE which keeps you alive?

Well, I don't know the answer myself. So, let's find it out together.


"Make three wishes before blowing the candles, say the first two wishes aloud and don't forget to keep your third wish a secret. " They said holding the cake.

"My first wish is for my second wish to come true. " He said.

"Second one? " They asked.

"My second wish is for my third wish to come true. " He said.

"Okay! Now make your third wish, don't say it out aloud, keep it a secret. "

He joined his hands together and closed his eyes, wishing by all his heart.

"My third wish is YOU. It is To See You Again. " Wang Yibo said closing his eyes.


"Are these paintings done by you? " The lady asked.

"Yes. " He replied with a smile.

"You're really a very good artist. " The lady smiled.

"Thank you, ma'am. " He bowed to her with a smile.

"The next painting that you do, will be your masterpiece that'll change your life. " The lady walked off after saying that.

"What? Change my life? What does that mean? " A confused look arose on Xiao Zhan's face.


"It was just a DREAM! Get back to your senses. " His friend yelled at him.

"Is HE nothing, but just a part of my DREAM? " Zhan asked as tears rolled down his eyes.

"Yes! It's just a mere dream and nothing else. "

"Please tell me it isn't true... Please come back to me... Because I want To See You Again. " Zhan whispered in a desperate voice.


I want to experience that DREAM again. I want To See You Again.

I miss you, my only desire is To See You Again.

I'll come find you, I'll come To See You Again.

I'm waiting for you, please come to me, I want To See You Again.

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