Chapter 15

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Yanli got married with her love, Yuchen and they started living at Yanli's house while Zhan moved to Yibo's place.

Those red brick alleyways which winded like a maze, those old tracks which echoed at the stores, those old cars which ran down the streets were now a regular sight to Zhan's eyes.

Yibo changed the entire interiors of his house and now it was all according to Zhan's taste and his likings.

They were almost like a married couple now. Zhan's mornings used to start with Yibo's kiss and his nights would end in Yibo's warm embrace.

Yibo used to go to work in the morning, and used to come back home early in the evening. Yibo used to wake Zhan up with his kiss and prepare breakfast for them before he left for his work.

Zhan didn't like going out for work as he wanted to be home to welcome Yibo with his warm hugs everyday after his work. So, he decided to stay home and continue painting with his brush that had time travelled with hin, which turned out to earn him some good amounts.

Zhan used to wake up with Yibo's kisses and used to have a warm shower while Yibo used to prepare the breakfast. After having breakfast with Zhan, Yibo used to leave for work on receiving Zhan's you-can-do-it, come-back-home-soon kisses.

Zhan used to spend his time painting or doing some household chores and then used to cook delicious dinner and wait for Yibo.

Zhan prepared delicious meals for Yibo everyday as he knew Yibo would have been worn out because of work. And that worked miracles for Yibo. All Yibo's tiredness would washout as soon as Zhan jumps on him and shower him with his kisses when he's back home.

They both loved each other soo much that words weren't enough to express their feelings towards each other.
To leave without the other was impossible for them as their lives totally depended up on each other.



Everything was going good for the couple. Time just flew by and it has already been an year and half since they started living together.

Zhan totally forgot that he was from the other world as his world was now sleeping peacefully right in front if his eyes.

Zhan slowly traced Yibo's face with his soft finger tips. His finger travelled across Yibo's forehead, his nose and then his soft plumpy lips.

Yibo stirred in his sleep because of the soft sensual touch and slowly opened his eyes to witness the most beautiful scenery of his life.

Yibo smiled on seeing Zhan's beautiful face and he pulled Zhan closer and nuzzled his face in the crook of Zhan's neck as he left soft kisses there

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Yibo smiled on seeing Zhan's beautiful face and he pulled Zhan closer and nuzzled his face in the crook of Zhan's neck as he left soft kisses there.

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