Chapter 25

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"Nothing much happened... But I learned the fact that I wasn't able to come here, into this world, if I hadn't found that thing then... "
Yibo paused his sentence and looked at Zhan who had a puzzled expression on his face.

"What thing? " Zhan asked.

Yibo smiled at him before putting his hand into his pocket.

"This! " Yibo said holding a paint brush in front of Zhan's face.

"My paint brush! " Zhan exclaimed.

"Yes. " Yibo said.

"But how? " Zhan asked.

"Do you know why this brush time travelled with you back then? And, why it didn't time travel with you when you came back to this world? " Yibo asked and Zhan shook his head.

"Is it possessed? " Zhan asked.

Yibo chuckled as he pecked Zhan's lips again.

"Why don't we go to Jie so that she could explain things to you in a better way? " Yibo asked.

"Jie? " Zhan's eyes widened. He was feeling very happy. He really wanted to meet Yanli. He had missed her soo much.

Zhan quickly nodded his head and Yibo smiled at him.

"Go get changed then. " Yibo said.

"Huh? " Zhan asked.

"Your clothes are wet! " Yibo pointed at Zhan's wet clothes.

"Mm? " Zhan raised his brow and that's when Yibo realised what Zhan actually meant.

Yibo chuckled as he carried Zhan in princess style and headed towards the bathroom. Zhan gave a satisfying smile and Yibo shook his head and smiled back.

After having a quick shower, Yibo helped Zhan get ready and they soon left to Yanli's place.

They hired a cab and Yibo gave the driver the directions to Yanli's place.

Zhan rested his head on Yibo's shoulder throughout the journey and Yibo had his hand snaked around Zhan's waist, bringing him closer.

They arrived in front of Yanli's home after a journey of an hour and a half.

Tears formed in Zhan's eyes on the thought of getting to see his sister again. He was very happy and excited.

Yibo intertwined his hand with Zhan's and they both smiled looking at each other's face.

They walked to the door and Yibo pressed the calling bell.

The door was soon opened by a guy who was in his late teens.

"Who are you? " He asked in a manly voice which wasn't soo manly.

"Is your mom home? " Yibo asked looking at him.

"Why do you want to know that? " The boy retorted.

"It's none of your business. " Yibo scoffed.

"Wang Yibo! Where are your manners? " Zhan whispered in Yibo's ears.

"I don't keep it when I'm speaking with someone who doesn't have it! " Yibo smirked looking at the boy.

"Mom! Some irritating idiots want to see you! " The boy stomped in.

"Hey! Wait! Why are you including me in this? I never uttered a word! " Zhan yelled.

Yanli who heard Zhan's voice quickly ran to the door.

Her eyes flooded with tears as she cupped her mouth and collapsed on her knees. Zhan too was in the same state.

He quickly ran to Yanli and kneeled before her, hugging her tight.

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