Chapter One

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Lio rolled around in his bed and finally yelled, "WHAT?!?"

Meis, one of Lio's best friends opened his personal back stage lounge door and said, "You've gotta wake up Boss, the show starts in fifteen minutes."

Lio eyes flew open as he pushed Meis out of his room and turned the light on. He quickly grabbed his clothes and started changing. He put on his frilly white undershirt first which had a white cravat and then put on his black pants.

He put on his black leather jacket which was adorned with military-like belts, cords, and zippers. He put on his pair of cropped biker gloves and he wrapped knee-pads around his legs and put on his long one-inch boots.

He hustled into the bathroom and brushed his teeth and put deodorant on. He grabbed his hairbrush and quickly brushed the tangles out of his blonde-green hair.

He walked out of his room with still five minutes left.

Lio walked down the hall to the auditorium where he met Gueira.

Gueira turned around to look at Lio and smiled, "Hey Boss! I almost thought I was going to have to start singing."

Lio let out a dry laugh at looked at Gueira's outfit;

He was wearing a loose blue t-shirt and a pair of black biker pants. On top of that he wore a black jacket with a buckle on the neck. He had a white studded belt on and his shirt was tucked in.

His boots somewhat resembled Lio's which surprised him. The worse part was his hair. It was an usual, unruly, mess. It didn't even look like he tried to brush it.

Then Meis came up behind Lio and tapped him on the shoulder.

Lio turned and looked up at Meis. He wore a simple pink tank-top with a pair of black pants with a wallet chain. He also wore black shoes but the tips were white.

His long indigo hair neatly covered his right eye and went down to the end of his shoulder blades.

The lights turned off and Lio and his band got set up on stage. Gueira sat in the back at the drums and Thyma was right in front of him on the keyboard.

Lio was in the front with Meis on his right side. The both held brightly colored guitars and Meis gave Lio a thumbs-up.

Lio took a deep breath and held the microphone tightly in his gloved hand as the announcer said, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Boy and girls! Children of all ages! We are here tonight to celebrate the tour of one of our favorite bands.

You know most of the albums like;


Great World Blaze


 and Burning forever

(Cringy names I know)

But tonight they are going to be featuring their new album: Promare! Ladies and Gentlemen I give you: The Mad Burnish!"

The lights came on and Gueira started banging on the drums. Lio raised his hand and yelled, "THANK YOU PROMEPOLIS!"

Fans started screaming and cheering loudly. Lio took a deep breath and waited for his singing part to come. Thyma played the keyboard and Lio and Meis strummed their guitars hard.

Lio stared out into the crowd and began singing his new song. He rocked to the beat as he sang into the microphone.

He scanned the crowd for any familiar faces, but his eyes landed on an unhappy person in the front row. He had spiky blue hair covering his right eye and he wore a red firefighter jacket.

Lio faltered for a minute when the blue-haired person noticed Lio staring at him. Lio decided to ignore the rude stranger and get back to his singing.

After the song was over Gueira and Meis pulled Lio back stage into his green room.

"What?" Lio asked as Gueira and Meis looked at each other.

"Are you okay Boss?" Meis asked.

"Of course why wouldn't I be?"

"Well..." Gueira said. "When you were singing the first part of the chorus your voice faltered and cracked a little."

"So?" Lio asked. "Everyone's voice cracks!"

Lio turned to leave but then Meis said, "Your's doesn't Boss."

Lio stopped just before he reached the door.

A/N: WHOOO 751 Words, I'm proud of myself!

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