Chapter Four

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"What do you want?" Lio asked staring at the man with blue hair. "Have you become my stalker?"

The guy did nothing except cross his arms. Lio walked closer. They guy didn't even blink and it didn't look like he was breathing.

"Well...I wonder what would happen if I did this," Lio said aiming a punch right for Galo's face. Before hi fist made a contact Galo used his own hand to block.

"Are you stupid?" Galo asked.  Galo curled his own hand into a fist and swung at Lio, who took a punch to the gut.

Outside of having the wind knocked from him, Lio noticed that Galo was not used to fighting, seeing as though he was waving his hand in the air like it hurt. Lio could take more hits then Galo could and he had more stamina.

Unfortunately, he was used to it all. He used to get into fights with kids at school hen he was younger.

He stood up straight to try and intimidate Galo but it didn't wok due to the height distance.

Eventually, Lio found himself being held up by his throat against the wall of the pizza place.

"I wasn't stalking you, ya weirdo," Galo said dropping Lio to the ground. Lio had been beat up. He was now sporting a black eye and multiple bruises. 

He stood up clutching his side, "I could call the police...ya know."

There was a flicker of fear in Galo's eyes but it was quickly replaced with amusement, "Don't get your hopes up, you're just a kid."

There was yelling from the front of the restaurant and Gueira, Meis, and Thyma found Lio and Galo. Thyma helped Lio stand while Gueira turned to Galo.

"You don't just beat up innocent citizens. That's illegal," he said.

"You know so much, don't you," Galo said laughing. "Your boss threw the first punch."

Gueira pounded his fit into his palm and said, "You wanna bet?"

Meis put his hand on Gueira's chest and said, "Let.It.Go. Let's just get him out of here." 

The sound of a car horn honking made everyone turn around. A large red truck pulled up. The driver was a young looking girl with sort pink hair. She wore a white sports bra and a pair of jean shorts. She also had suspenders starting at her belt loops.

"Galo, hop in," the girl said.

Galo smirked and sat down in the passengers seat.

Before they drove off teh girl said, "You beat up another one? You can't just pick fights with random people."

They all took Lio upstairs to his apartment. Thyma used the spare key to unlock the door and they got him to his bedroom and layed him down.

"His shoulder has been dislocated, the faster we put it back, the less damage there will be," Thyma said.

Gueira and Meis, not knowing what to do, just nodded and stood there.

Thyma sighed and sat down beside Lio. She grabbed his writ and pulled his arm forward and straight, in front of him. She put it back into socket and said, "Meis, go get the emergency sling from the closet near the kitchen."

He nodded and walked out to get the sling. A few seconds later he came back and Thyma quickly put Lio's bruised shoulder inside it.

"Guys," Gueira said. "His right hand is pretty swollen and bruised."

"We have got to get him to a doctor," Meis said picking the unconscious Lio up, bridal style.

They all piled in Thyma's van and she drove to the hospital.

"I have good news and bad news," the doctor said as he came into the room. Lio, who was now awake looked the doctor dead in the eyes.

"The bad news...I want the bad news first."

The doctor gave a small smile and said, "Thanks to your friend, your shoulder shouldn't have too much damage but, you have what we call a boxer's fracture on your right hand. This is when the bones in your hand that run from the wrist and join up with the fingers, get fractured.

He pulled out and x-ray which showed Lio's hand. It looked somewhat normal besides the fractured part of the bone that was at the middle finger.

"As you can see, the fracture appeared on your middle finger bone. Since it's the middle of your hand, this means you can't d heavy lifting or anything that could cause your hand to re-fracture. Even...playing your guitar."

That news didn't shock Lio too much because he figured he wouldn't be able to play for a while.

"And what's the good news?" he asked.

"You can go home today!"

"It's really humiliating walking around with a big purple bruise around your eye and both your arms in a sling," Lio said, walking into his apartment.

"Only for six weeks,: Gueira said.

"Still, I'm disgusted," he replied. 

When Gueira left any everyone had bidden him goodnight, Lio took his sling off and changed into his pajamas. He stared at his arm in the cast and sighed.

"I hope tomorrow's a better day."

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