Chapter 5 | Plan |

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Isaac's POV

Since he stole the things i need, my idea can't work! but that doesn't mean I will give up. I will show Bill that Zachary and Ezra is not just friendship and rivalries but also they are in love~ eek!

I need to come up with another plan without damaging or doing something that can result bad in Bill's plan. But wait! This is a competition and I need to win no matter what!

If I let Bill's plan to be successful then his ship might sail! So hmm, I'm confused. I need to learn how to fight for what my heart wants. My heart wants Zachary and Ezra to sail!

For our previous fight, I did lose to him once but not this time. I believe that I will win this one and be the best shipper among us!

I came up with a plan that I will beat him by interviewing them privately in the hidden place here in jail.

I saw Bill asked for help on his fellow cellmates but my cellmates were Zachary and Ezra so.. I need to do this work alone. But I won't give up! I'm so desperate to win against Bill.

I proceed to go to the room I and Bill go yesterday and search if I can find something to cover myself so that Zachary and Ezra won't know that it is me.

I saw a hat, a long coat and I think this belongs to a tall guy because I'm so short that the long coat touches the ground. I saw a black sunglasses that can also work so that they cannot see my eyes that well.


I started my mission on capturing Zachary and Ezra and I tell you they are so hard to get! Especially Zachary. Zachary weighs more than me and taller than me so what can I expect?

But I had a plan in mind that I will bait him with the name "Ezra" and lets see if he follows. This can be a possibility that Zachary likes Ezra.

"Hey Mister, Do you know Ezra? He currently need help. Can you help us?" I said and Zachary immediately agreed. I baited him and entered the hidden room and I tied him on a chair. It was kind of loose tie because dang! He's strong.

"What the hell?" Zachary said. "I will not hurt you. I just wanted to clarify something to you." I replied "Then what is it you shorty!" He questioned. "Chill, Why does everyone calls me shorty!" I answered "Because that's true! If you have nothing else let me go! I need to look out for Ezra!" He told me and I was in shock.

"Do you like Ezra?" I immediately told him and he replied "Yes, now let me go!" I was so happy that I found out he does like Ezra! "I will help you! I just wanted to clarify to you that I ship you both and I wanna confirm if you like each other." I said.

"Then what is his response? Does he like me too?" He questioned "You are the first one I asked about the feelings to the other." I answered. "Oh." He said while having a sad face.

"By the way, who are you and why do you ship us?" He questioned. I removed my hat and my glasses and answered "I am your cellmate."

"Oh, you, I thought you are so cold no one can ever start a conversation with you yet you ship us both now." He said and I replied "I never knew I would ship you both okay? I just liked everything about you both. Now don't let my ship drown okay?" "Uh, sure." He said.

I untied Zachary and let him go. He gave me a hug and said "Tell me his response later. Thank you." but when we are hugging each other, Ezra came and entered the door. He was in shock and I think he misunderstood us.

Zachary immediately run and try to catch Ezra as fast as possible. After that Leah comes in the door and said "What are you doing here?" "He misunderstands us." I replied.

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