Chapter 6 | Feelings |

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I came with a good plan thanks to my inspiration the one and only (umm? The two and only?) ZacharyEzra! I wanted to sail there ship so badly > ~ <

I heard that Ezra might be out of the cell earlier than the exact date of his leave. So I gotta act and do it fast so that Ezra and Zachary will have a good happy ending! 

Ezra's POV

I didn't expect Zachary liking me in that way. I also have feelings for him but sometimes, I feel like I'm not sure about my feelings. I don't to hurt him. So I'll make sure that this feeling is mutual first and trust him.

I am somebody who has trust issues, Bill helped me recover a bit and try to lean on others like him. I really admire Bill. He helped me so much to improve myself and stop thinking about him. If it weren't for him, I would probably still be thinking about Zachary.

I mean I still do think about Zachary but not in that way anymore. I don't worry about my relationship to him rather, I think about if we'll going to be compatible with each other. I'm not really against Zachary liking me even if I was a man. Because I truly believe that love has no gender.

What I am thinking about and worries me is that what if one day we'll get out of this jail, will we still be together until the end?

I still don't know how to date and you know, those things. So I don't also know what will happen if we were going to date. Will Zachary take initiative or is he going to be like me?

We never talked about our dating life back then, so I don't really know his history. I wanna treat him like how a lover should treat their lover. I wanna prepare myself first in order to take care of him better.

I don't want to rush things. And I also think Zachary thinks the same. I really hope he'll wait for me. It might be hard on his part but I really don't want to hurt him. So I want to make sure first.

If he do really loves and yearn for my love, he will have patience for my answer right? This is the first time I ever fell in love and I want my first to be my last. Do I see my future with him? I really don't know but I think we will be good together. We might last for a very long time. But still, I can't predict the future.

Once we're out of this jail, a new life is waiting for us. Will we still be together once we got out of here? who knows what might happen for the last years here in the cell. 

We won't haver proper dates like others, we can't buy things for each other that much because bringing things here are limited and they check before we will be able to get them. So I also ask myself how can we make this relationship longer?

There is a lot of things in going on a relationship. I might even don't keep up. I want to treat my lover like how they wanted to be treated. I also don't know Zachary's love language. Will I able to satisfy him soon? 

Zachary.... Oh, Zachary... Do you know how much can you handle this type of relationship? I hope we both take responsibility to each other and commited to each other. I really hope you'll be my last. 

Let's be honest here, we all wanted to meet our forever. Do I see my forever/future in him? I don't know. But do I wanna plan my future with him? Absolutely.

A day has passed, Zachary and Ezra decided to take a stroll to the prisoner's park. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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