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"YOU WHAT?!" Taehyung was looking down as he felt it coming. Jimin and him was in the school's cafeteria, they were eating their lunch as they just keep on chatting and chatting about their date when Taehyung slips into his words and immediately Jimin reacted.

"To Jeon Jeongguk? Really Kim Taehyung?" He tightly closed his eyes as he knows Jimin was glaring into his soul.

"I didn't know it was going to happen okay."

He heard Jimin sighed as he pursed his lips.
"B-But I met his mom!" He let out as he wanted the atmosphere to be more less awkward, making Jimin chuckle. "It's okay..." Jimin says as he smiled into Taehyung.

"Maybe I don't really have a say to your life now huh? And what did you say? You both are boyfriends??" Still a shock Jimin who is looking at him as he wanted to progress every single thing Taehyung have said to him.

Jimin was the first one to talk and Taehyung is shock too but the way Taehyung himself told him about his night with Jeongguk makes Jimin really shock than him.

"Y-Yeah, we are boyfriends...And h-he is really gentle that night tho.." he says fidgeting into his uniform making Jimin again, sighed.

"Okay. I'll support you this time but tell me if he hurts you!!!" Taehyung smiles and nod as he immediately hug his bestfriend whom is hugging him back with a smile plastered his own face too.

It was almost the last day for the school to end soon and tomorrow will be the examinations, everyone was excited for the summer and for their vacations and all but to Taehyung, he really seems not to since he doesn't have anything to do in those days.

And yes, Jeongguk and him are boyfriends now. It was all of a sudden but the night when they say I love you to eachother made butterflies into his stomach ever again as he remembers it.


"I love you too... ggukie." Jeongguk immediately look down as he met Taehyung's sparkling eyes. "What?"
He heard him laugh softly as he punch his hard chest.

"I said I love you too..." He shyly said as he look down to intertwined his fingers into Jeongguk's creating them hold hands. "I love you Jeongguk, please don't hurt me too okay?" He felt Jeongguk smiles as he felt his lips into his head.

"I will never." It made the older smile as he return his head into Jeongguk's bare chest enjoying the peaceful night with he younger embracing him and caging him into his bare and naked hot body.


"It was wonderful tho." He says and Jimin just rolled his eyes. "Taehyungie..." The younger look over to Jimin who hold his hands.

"Don't ever forget to love yourself okay? I don't want you to get hurt like me." Taehyung sadly smile as he realize what Jimin is implying.

Yes, he have known Jimin's past when he accidentally says his relationship with Jackson Wang.
Jimin said it too that after those days, he didn't get to see the man even again. Maybe he was far away, or worse, he was dead.

"I will, Jiminie...I know Jeongguk will never hurt me." Jimin just smile as he rubs his hands.

After awhile, Jimin started to blubber again about nonsense things that were on his mind, when suddenly a hand grape into his waist, as he look up and Jeongguk's eyes met with brown one making him smile.

"Hey baby." He shyly look down when Jeongguk whispers. "Hi." He greeted and Jimin huff making him laugh softly.

"For you." Taehyung look into his hands as he see a flower again. Oh he forgot to see the flowers in Jeongguk's room that night.


'sorrel for affection' he smiled and took it, smelling it.

"I have learn it means affection and it fits perfectly for my feelings for you." He smiled and Jeongguk kissed his cheeks leaving him in crimson red.

"Uhh. Im still here." He look over , embarrassed as Jeongguk just laugh.

"This is Jimi-"

"We already know eachother Taehyung. He is Yoongi's friend." Taehyung look at Jeongguk who shrugged and Jimin who smile at him innocently and he just nod.

"Oh okay. By the way where is that bastard then? Thought you were his boyfri-"

"He was still courting me!!! I told him not to do it and just let me say I do love him!!!" Jimin was pouting as he said that and crossed his arms as he do so making him look like a sulking baby.

"He wanted to be look like he was determined, just let him be." Jeongguk says as he let himself link his hands into Taehyung's soft ones. "I didn't know you like it here in the cafeteria." Jeongguk says as he look around.

"We were just eating, and we were about to get out soon but you came." Jeongguk just hummed as he nuzzle his face into Taehyung's neck, making him blush and look down gulping.

"I like your smell. I love everything about you Taehyung." Taehyung was a blushing mess and Jeongguk is aware of that wanting to smell more of Taehyung as he was nuzzling deeper even kissing it making Taehyung giggle Abit.



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