Heaven or Hell

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This particular chapter is about the religion au.
When you were walking back home, you suddenly thought about "where do we go after death" topic. You shrugged it off and continued walking.

You were at your door, but you got a text. It was Todomatsu.

Todomatsu : Hi y/n^^

You : Todomatsu?

Todomatsu : yes :D

You : how did u get my number??

Todomatsu : u gave it to me (ノ≧ڡ≦) Teehee~!

You : ok (●ʘ̅ㅈʘ̅●)

Todomatsu : u wanna go hangout at our place? ^^(•ω •๑)

You : sure y not

Todomatsu : yay^^。◕‿◕。

You : stop doin dat

Todomatsu : (ノ≧ڡ≦) Teehee~!

You locked your door and headed to their house. When you knocked on their door, no one answered it. You knocked again, not avail. You finally got the courage to let your self in.

The door opened to revealed a dark hallway. You walked around the house to find them. "Hey, guys? Todomatsu? I'm here! You can come out now." You pleaded. You heard a goofy laugh (no seriously, a goofy goofy laugh). It was coming from a room. 'The lights are on... are their there?'. You opened the door.

The room was occupied by the brothers but they looked different. Osomatsu looks like a demon and he's floating, Karamatsu's wearing a priest outfit, Choromatsu was wearing a toga and crown made of leafs, Ichimatsu was a nun, Jyushimatsu looked like an angel, and Todomatsu was the grim reaper. They were just looking at each other with a menacing look.

You have a suprised look all over your face. "Hello?" You started to regret your decision to made a sound. They turned their heads to you, you squirm, you wanted to leave their house soon as possible bit you failed.

"Why hello there mortal! Are you a bad girl?" The demon floated while rapped his arms around you, this made Choromatsu concerned and shoved the demon away. "I'm sorry for that, he's from he'll." The man with the toga said, you were still speechless. "Choromatsu, what's happening here?" "How did you know my name, mortal?" You were confused, how did they forgot about you.

"T-Todomatsu, you texted me, right?" You looked at the pink grim reaper, stuttering as you go. "What do you mean? I am Todomatsu, but I don't have a phone." How did they forgot? Thoughts running through your head, and you felt you're floating, carried by a cheerful angel. "You're cute! Are you a good girl?" He chuckled softly. "Hey, get her down Jyushimatsu!" Karamatsu said. "Oops, I'm being to devilish for you!" "What'd you mean by devilish?" They all looked at Osomatsu whose picking his nose with creepy expressions. "What?" Pulling out a booger. "Keep that to yourself, demon." Ichimatsu growled.

"What happened to you guys?! Did god punished you all or something?" The shooked their heads. "Well, if you all don't remembered me. I need to know you all." They looked at each other and started explaining. "I'm Osomatsu. The king of hell with my sweet queen Totoko." "I'm Karamatsu, I'm a priest. You probably know what's a priest is." "Choromatsu the river goddess. And yes I'm a man, I always get that." "Ichimatsu, the nun and Karamatsu's helper with exorcism." "HAI! Jyushimatsu the heaven's head angel!" "I'm Todomatsu, the grim reaper. I hope we'll meet again when you died, ok^^?"

You explained about the brothers and how the people who you're talking to looks exactly as them. "Well, we'd  be happy to help but we must know why are we summoned here." Choromatsu said. You nodded, looked around and asked about Totoko, Osomatsu just said he's the only who has been summoned here.

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