Cat Café

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"Today's the day, Y/n..." you mumbled to yourself. It was the day that you were going to hangout with Ichimatsu. Yes, Ichimatsu, the pitch-black brother himself. And you weekend not the one who asked him, he did. "Alright, there we go..." you were wearing a purple dress, for obvious reasons, a (favorite color) hoodie, and sneakers.

Knock knock

You waited outside their front door. It took a full minute to someone opens the door, it was Choromatsu. "Hey, Choro!" You greeted him with a welcoming smile that made him blush seven shades of pinks. "Is Ichimatsu here? He agreed that we're gonna hangout at a cat café, I figured that I'll pick him up instead." The words made Choromatsu's face turns from a blushing mess to a face that was almost depressed.


A stuttering voice said your name, the voice was coming from behind the green brother. You looked behind him, it was Ichimatsu! "Ichimatsu!" Your voice peered, he flinched. He walked to your direction and shoving his brother out of the way. 'Oh God, got to be careful that they don't hurt each other now, eh?'.

The walk way to the cat café was a bit long than you expected, but not Ichimatsu. He planned this so both of you could have a moment. He was trying so hard to pull himself together, he couldn't even look at you, you were just too beautiful. You were even wearing a dress with the same colour as his.

'Why does she look so hot now?!'

Finally, you made it to your destination. The cat café was kind of huge but still it was a cat café. Cats were roaming around, people were sitting at the designated tables, staffs were handing out the food and looking after the cats, you know your run-of-the-mill cat café.

You two sat at the table with the cats hot-spot. Cats were literally roaming around you two. It was not annoying nor distracting but the staff apologized when the cats were on the counter, walking over the menu.

"May I have (favorite drink), please? How 'bout you, Ichimatsu?" The man flinched and roamed his eyes through the menu. "Tea..." He said stoically, he was a little anxious and wasn't like back in highschool.

As you two waited for your drinks, cats were snuggling to you and sometimes the cats would ignore Ichimatsu if possible. You giggled at the fact the cats would avoid the purple masked man. He witnessed this and tried to avoid eye contact with you but your smile was too eye-catching for him.

"Here are your drinks." The waitress handed the drink out. You fawned at the site of (favorite drink), it was cat themed. "Kawaii!!" You squealed and made Ichimatsu blushed even more.

"Hey, you're gonna drink that?"

Your voice called out to the man, he hasn't drank his tea yet and she was almost done with hers.

"Uh... y-yes..."

"Too bad, I wanted to drink that of you didn't."

He looked down at his tea, it was ice cold. The ice cubes were shaped like cats, how is that even possible? "Cute isn't it?" He heard the girl said, he nodded back at her with a blush.

You young adults spent hours upon hours there and almost took one of the card with you.

"It's getting late... we should go." Ichimatsu mummer, you looked out the window of the café. The sky was a warm peachy orange colour. "Yeah, maybe we should". You were about to pay for the food but the purple man payed for the two of you instead, "my treat" he said.

Both of you walked out of the café, stomachs full, cat petting satisfied, and time spent was half a day. When you came back, his brothers were all at your front door. 'Why are they here?' You thought, is it something wrong? Is there something wrong? Did somebody accidentally got murdered by them and they were blaming it on Ichimatsu?

"Ichimachan!" Osomatsu leaped in front of him, making the fourth oldest brother flinched. "Where did you took her?" He continued, you were so confused. "You didn't went to a love hotel and loose the status of a NEET virgin, right?" Osomatsu continued on and on until it was getting annoying. "What the fuck are talking about? We were at a cat café on a play date!" You snapped at them, even though this isn't the first time they have seen you snap at them, they were still taken back at how a soft, innocent looking girl, could be a demon in disguise.

"If that's the case... will you go on a date with me?" The gullible eldest held your hand and almost touched your chest. The other brothers were raging with anger, how could he say that so confidently? In front of his brothers in fact. "W-what?!" "Good, a play date it is!" Play date? Yes, a play date with Osomatsu. It seemed childish in the way he said it but this is Matsuno Osomatsu we were talking about. Of course, he'd be super childish.

"I'll take that as a yes!"

"She didn't even say anything yet!"

"Oh, Totty. Shut the fuck up already. See you tomorrow, Y/n-chan!"

You were pushed by the red hoodie himself into your house and shut the door, actually he slammed it. Your house was almost shaking because of the impact. And tomorrow you'll have a date with the Red Matsu.

Hey, Author-chan here! Sorry this week's chapter is short, I'm very busy with school and I don't think I could update this often. My writes block is getting on my nerves and my ideas are now getting into the uncanny valley levels of humor.

But Yay! Osomatsu-san Season 3 is here! I'll be watching it after I'm done with school work.

Thanks for reading this chapter!


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