❤Red Dinner🥘

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You opened your eyes from your slumber and walked to open the door. To your not surprised state it was the red brother, Osomatsu. "Osomatsu? What time is it?" You rubbed your eyes. Osomatsu giggled and rub his index finger against the top of his lips. "It's 6 am!" Your eyes widened, it was so early. How did he woke up this early?!

"What the fuck dude? It's so early... I'm trying to get some sleep, I have work in two hours!"

"I know and that's why I wanna come here early!"


You shut your door in front of his goofy grinning face and walked back to your room. 'Ugh... why do I feel so guilty for leaving him there?!' You shook your head and opened back the door, to see him still there with the same goofy face he had before. "I see you already changed your mind" "shut the fuck up and get inside!".

You figured, 'maybe waking up early not so bad and maybe I could get to work without panda eyes!'.

Osomatsu looked around your house, "you have so many koi stuff!" You flushed red as his hoodie and stomped to the kitchen. Out of all of the brothers, you mild dislike to the eldest, because he'd flip your skirt and try to hit on you with dirty comments about your body. "Pervert..." you mumbled to yourself.

Yes, you have a mildly dislike to him but sometimes he'd comforting you when you were alone at school. "Y/n-chan! Can I say you look smokin' hot today— Y/n-chan?" You were curled up in the corner of the classroom, tears flowing out of your (e/c) eyes. "Y/n-chan? Is everything okay?" The perverted brother walked to you, you told him that you were fine but he didn't believed that and shook you until you burst into more tears.

"Wahh!! I'm sorry! Please stop crying!"

"Just tell me what's wrong and I'll be all ears!"


"I swear to Akatsuka-sensei that I'll listen to your problem!"

"Alright... some girls told me that I was weak, out-of place, insane, and maybe never get someone to like me..."

Osomatsu's eyes widened with anger. He told you that if he found those girls, he'll punch them into a oblivion. You giggled, the Matsu realized what he had done and joked around until the bell rang. "I better get back to my classroom, bye Y/n-chan!" He waved at you. You smiled and answered. "Yep, bye Osomatsu-kun!". His fave turned deep red and quickly ran away.

Back to the present, you were at your job. Watering the flowers there, what happened to Osomatsu? Well, he went with you to work but he just sat and admiring you. 'Why is he looking at me?!' You thought, sometimes he'd stole glances at you and you'd hid your face.

"What're you lookin' at?"

"Oh nothing, keep up the good work Y/n-chan!"


Takahashi told you that you could take a lunch break. You nodded and went to your perverted friend. When you told him that you were on your break, he took your wrist and rushed out of the store. He took you to a restaurant. "Osomatsu-kun, what are we doing here?" He grinned and spoke "I wanted us to have play date remember? So, I think we should go here!" You told him that it was still lunch and why would he want to drink this early in the afternoon?

You two ordered your meals and drinks. "Beer for me, please!" Osomatsu looked to you signaling your turn to tell your order. "Oh, normal water for me." "Not beer?" "I'm not in a mood for that...".

Your food finally arrived and you were running out of time. You quickly gulped your food down and drank your water. Osomatsu was a little stunned but he played with you. "Y'know you look hot, right?" You looked at him with a confused face, why is he flirting with you? "Osomatsu-kun, I'm sorry but my break is almost over and—" "why do you care about your job so much? It's just pointless time wasting and just got payed little. Why not panchinko?"

Was he serious?

You were in raged by his statement and slammed your hand at the table, surprising everyone in the restaurant. "If that's how you feel, why don't you go and not disturb me?" You raged at him, Osomatsu was surprised. You stomped your way to pay and to the flower shop. Osomatsu called out your name but you ignored it.

He felt so bad, did he made you leave him?

After you finished work, you noticed the red hoodie with the pine symbol on it. You furrowed your eyebrows and let out a 'tch' in front of him. His eyes were eyes of guilt. You ignored him and went home.

"Y/n wait!"

Osomatsu grabbed your wrist, you turned to look at him. His face was sorry. You squinted your eyes at him. "I rather focus on work." You slapped his hand off your wrist and walked away.

"I know I fucked up but I'm very sorry!"

You turned to him, his eyes were almost watery. He walked step by step closer. "I know this job is important for you and I'm sorry... would you forgive me?" He looked straight into your eyes. "Osomatsu-kun—" "WOULD YOU FORGIVE ME?!" He shouted, you felt a rush of guilt. "I forgive you... bestie."

The word you uttered last made his heart skipped a beat. He thought you'll confess to him and have s*x with him like in the movies he watched or at least just date then— I'm rambling...

Osomatsu tighten his fist but he put on a goofy smile and walked you home. 'I'll not give up! I still have a chance!' He thought as he walked you to your front door. The word haunted him for the rest of the night. Like he said, he'll not give up on your love yet!

Would he have a chance on winning Y/n's heart? Tune in...

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