14- Visiting Valhalla

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As suggested by Theyna4life here's Envi meeting the one and only Alex Fierro (Situated between second and third book)

A little background information: In the AU she was the child of a minor goddess and demigod, when her dad died but sadly didn't become an einheijar, her mom sent her to Asgard and pretty much disappeared. Did she fade rom existence or went into hiding? She doesn't know. When Odin decided to just take her in, he named her Envi, which didn't mean anything really, but it was the name Odin came up with, and envy became a word because people were envious of how she had it better than them, becoming a proper goddess and all.

"So basically you want me to check if anyone in the Hotel is betraying us? Got it." The goddess walked towards the exit, she heard her brother's voice, "Try to have fun, the einheijars can be quite amusing.' She laughed lightly, "Maybe to you brother."

She stepped into the room, the doors behind her closed with a thud, drawing attention, she thought she heard a few 'oh shit's, possibly because almost every time she visits it was because of something extremely troublesome or important. Someone dropped their spoon, snapping her back to reality, she smiled, "Hi, please do continue with your breakfast, don't give me that look everything's fine, I'm only here to check on you all and have a chat is all." They hesitantly returned to their breakfast as she approached the tables one by one.


"Who's that? I don't remember seeing her in the booklet." Magnus asked, TJ sighed, "She is trouble." Alex said carefully, "How so?" "You see she is not a major goddess, well not a major goddess in history at least. She is uhm, adopted and it was rumoured that her powers are... dangerous, she's titled the Goddess of Minds, has a little bit of a mysterious vibe, best not to mess with her." Sam explained, making Halfborn frown, "Then what's she doing here chatting with us?" Mallory hit him, "Well obviously that isn't her intention you oaf! She's up to something.""Woah that's Envi," Jack said, "Her blade is known to be quite the beauty..." The table sighed at Jack, chuckling.


Envi approaches the nearby table, "Mind if I take a seat?" "Uhm no." The blond boy- she learnt his name is Magnus Chase, Frey's son- said, as if we could say no to a goddess, she laughed, earning a confused look from the green haired girl- Alex Fierro, she had learnt, so she answered, "Magnus, you could say no, we don't love being rejected but it's alright."

Alex noticed the table was a little nervous, so she decided to take one for the team and talk to this sorta unknown goddess, "So what's your deal? You read minds?" The goddess turned to her, amused, "Could say that. I remember you,  you guys helped my brother find his hammer didn't you?" "Wasn't fun." "Hm yes that's true, I adore my brother but helping him deal with the shit he caused could be annoying." Alex nodded in agreement.

Envi scanned the table casually. She watched with sympathy and amusement as TJ shifted uncomfortably between Mallory and Halfborn, she figured the couple was probably going through tough times, like that one time she was staying at the Bright Crack when Thor and Sif were arguing; she watched smirking as Alex laughed at Magnus for spilling his drink, unaware that it only happened because Magnus was not-so-subtly staring at her. Sam shook her head at the two of them, idiots. "Brother wasn't completely wrong after all." Envi muttered quietly.


Envi found herself wandering around the hotel aimlessly, then she bumped into a familiar figure- Alex. "Why're still here don't you have goddess-y business to tend to?" She shrugged, "I don't have much work to do really, plus Brother had told be to enjoy my short stay. Where're you headed?" "I thought you could read minds?" He asked, then continued, " And to find Magnus, we're going to swim later."  "Oh I can, but where's the fun in that? Have fun with Magnus by the way." "I have a feeling you are implying something, but I'm not gonna ask for my own sake." He gave her a weird look, though starting to be comfortable with the goddess' presence, and continued, "Hey question, tiger or eagle." "I'll say... eagle, why?" As soon as the words left her mouth, an eagle hovered above the place where Alex was standing.

Envi laughed, "I'll admit I would have never expected that, supposed that's why I'm not the best at being a warrior." Alex frowned, "I thought you're an Aesir? You live in Asgard don't you?" She nodded, "Oh I am, and I do. I mean if anyone tried to kill me, not suggested by the way, I can make them suffer, make them relive the most painful moments of their lives, and my fencing doesn't suck that much  either." " But?" "I tend to be... gullible I guess, plus I don't love fighting a much as my brother does." Alex sighed, "I get it. Well not the fighting part, but expected to behave in a certain way because of your family? I get that."

"Thanks Alex, Magnus is looking for you, better hurry before he gets worried." She said with a smile, "We'll meet again I'm sure, and if you need any help... I'll try my best, just yell in your mind and I'll probably come." Alex laughed in response, "Alright then, glad I didn't piss you off and brought eternal suffering upon myself." "Ehh I'll say it's quite the opposite, who knows we may even be friends"

Annnnd that's it hope y'all liked it 🖤

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