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Everything was black, pitch black. As if Izuku was falling down into a void, an abyss. Everything hurt, but at the same time, it felt numb. There was no thoughts going through Izuku's head. It was both calming and terrifying. His body was in unbearable pain, yet his mind was in perfect peace. He wanted it end, he also wanted it to last forever.

In short, Izuku was full of contradictions.


Izuku let out a painful groan as bright lights flooded his vision, blinding him. 'Is this heaven?' He wondered.

"Oh look! He's awake!" The high-pitched voice was loud, it was hurting his ears. His eyes quickly adjusted to the bright lighting as he looked around. Was this... a bar? He was a tiny bit happy it wasn't a hospital, that means he wouldn't have to see his poor mother crying. But why was he in a bar?

His eyes fixated on a blonde school girl with a large smile that could rival AllMight's. He squinted to get a better look at her. Who was she?

He tried to sit up, immediately throwing that idea out as a searing pain shot through his body. A hand forcibly, but gently, pushed him back down on his back.

"Please Mr. Midorya, you're in too bad of a condition to move," A low voice said. Izuku look to his side to see the same blob man that found him. He furrowed his brows, but stayed laying.

"Who are you people? And where am I??" He said. He was scared, first and foremost, but he tried to muster up all his confidence to at least look as intimidating as he could.

"Awwwe look! He so scared~♡" The same blonde girl said, now with a knife in her hand. Well, they saw though that facade real quick. Was he really that easy to read?

"So you want to know who we are, Izuku Midorya?" A white haired man covered in hands said,  seemingly appearing out of nowhere. "I'll tell you exactly who we are. We are..."

"The League of Villians..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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