Chapter 12

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[Modern Sonic Universe]
{Sonic's P.O.V.}
I was in the living room, laying on the couch as I ate the chili dogs I prepared for myself, and am very proud of, while I tried to ignore the rocking on the bed that was coming from Tails's room. 

No, not because of that. 

Get your mind outta the gutter.

Tails kept turning and making Knuckles move because he wasn't comfortable, I could hear Knuckles telling him to stop moving and just close his eyes. 

I felt bad, really bad, I destroyed his portal and made everything ten times worse than they already were, which is a whole new level of bad. 

It's the baddest of bads.

The worstest or worsts. 

I can go on but this isn't time for jokes...

If only I was smart enough to help him and get this over with faster. But unfortunately, no one is as smart as him. Which is both awesome and horrible.

It's awesome that a kid can know so many things, but it's horrible in situations like this, where he's the only one that can solve this problem. My speed won't help, Knuckles' strength won't help, Shadow's whining certainly won't help either. 

I just miss Ames... 

And I know that she'll kill me when I go back. 

If I go back.

{Shadow's P.O.V.}
"Hun?" Rouge asked immediately when I walked in the office. "What's wrong?"

I knew I looked like a mess, I knew it was obvious that I wanted to snap. 

But I didn't care. 

I sat down on my chair and started going through the paper pile that was on my desk and sorting them as to which were a five-minute work and which will make me want to kill myself. 

"Shadow...?" She spoke up again and walked to me. "What happened? Did you have a fight with S-" I immediately cut her off. 

"No. But I will when he comes back." I said coldly as I kept my eyes on the papers. 

"What do you mean...?" She asked concerned and lowered her ears. "Where's Sonic...?"

"He's in a different dimension..." I mumbled lowly and lowered my ears. "One of Miles' gadgets was supposed to open a portal to a different dimension... And of course Sonic had to go through it... He didn't listen when I told him not to go... And now he's trapped..." I said very lowly, trying not to let my voice break.

"He's trapped...?! Did the portal malfunction?" She gasped and sat beside me. "I'm sure Tails will fix it, Hun. Don't worry."

"He's given up, Bat." I growled lowly at her. "He said it himself, Sonic is gone."

"That's not true, Tails is strong, he wouldn't give up so easily."

"All the data is lost." I hid my face in my palms and took a deep breath. "I destroyed the Doctor's computer and lost everything... It's my fault we're so far behind..." 

"Hun..." She  said lowly and sighed. "We'll get him back. I'll help Tails as much as I can. You can help too, but you need to wait for instructions before you go off and destroying everything." She tried to reassure me, but it wasn't helping. 

"No. I don't want to lose Sonic because of my mistakes." I quickly answered and shook my head. "If I lose him, at least I won't have his death on my hand too..." 

It was already hard enough to handle Maria's death, and she was just a sister to me. 

I don't even want to imagine the pain that Sonic's loss will cause to me if it's my fault... 

"Don't you dare say that again, Shadow." Rouge's tone changed immediately after I stopped talking. "Sonic is not gone. Not yet at least. If you give up, I'm going to tell Blue that you helped the least. We both know he won't  like that." She said sternly and crossed her arms. "You wouldn't like it either if Sonic gave up on trying to get you back if you were in his shoes. You'd want him to fight for you and try to get you back. No, You'd be sure Sonic would fight for you and try and get you back. Because he loves you. If you love him too, then you should be thinking of a way to bring him back. But you already gave up after the second day...!"

Her words really hurt me, but they woke me up too. 

Crying won't get me anywhere... If I end up losing Sonic... At least I'd know that I helped as much as could...

That's better than knowing that I could have done something... Right?

"So? Are you going to help or not?" Rouge snapped me out of my thoughts and get me a tissue to wipe a tear that escaped my eye. 

"I'll help..." I mumbled. "Now let me do my paperwork..." I pushed her to give me some space. "And don't talk about him." 

"Alright. I'll be at Tails' house. You better come over when you're done." She nodded and walked to the door. "And don't worry. There's no way we'll lose Sonic." 

"If you say so..."

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