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Louisa's p.o.v

The only thing I could do was blink as I could see the concerned look in his eyes as we also hear Leo yelling at Mikey for that attack. "Louisa..... is slowly losing herself" 'woah wait, I don't remember even wanting to say that. What's happening-' "w-what??" "Everytime she gets to this state, the more that her fate will come." Donnie's eyes widened, I want to widen mine too.... but I'm not really in control right now. "Wh-What are you talking about, why are you talking about yourself in the-" "Donatello Hamato."

Donnie shut up at that, knowing fully well that I get serious when I use his full name, first or last- it doesn't matter, this voice got his attention. "Who you're talking to right now is literally her ice powers, that's why they're void of emotion. I'm not the one you know, so I don't know how to act, after a while of being in control I know you're important to her. Which is why I'm telling you, she can't get like this frequently, unless you want to lose her completely." "How do I know this isn't some trick to mess with me??" Donnie asks while narrowing his eyes.

My powers laugh a little and smirk saying "boy, if you have to question everything I do, you won't get far for your friend. Her fate.... is slowly coming" my powers make the ocean blue ice leave my hands easier than I could do it. "Believe me or not, you're gonna have to sooner or later when this stuff reaches her heart, Donatello. Then, you could possibly lose her completely" my powers smirk and chuckle a bit "then I get my fun" Donnie nods once. "So... how do we get Louisa back right now??" Donnie asks, so my powers make me shrug my shoulders.

"I want to say make her feel really emotional, she can see everything that's happening right now, but can't do anything about it either. I don't know what makes her go through emotions, heck, I barely even know my own. You better start thinkin, or else...." my body makes ice come from my hand, so Donnie's eyes widen at that. "Louisa, come on, this is some serious stuff.... I don't want to lose you to some ice cold powers." 'I don't know what to do!' I think, but he wraps his arms around my body's waist, making my eyebrows furrow confused.

"Okay, I don't know what you're doing, but you might want to let go-" "if I know anything about Louisa, it's that she was the first one to kiss me. So... I should return the favor, right?" Donnie interrupts, making my eyes widen as his lips set onto mine. I gasp and feel warmth hit me once again as I'm in control of my body, so I smile and wrap my around his neck to return the kiss. He separated quickly though "Louisa!" Donnie says happily and laughs as he spins me around. I smile and laugh a little too when a throat cleared itself, I look to see who it is.

Baxter..... he's human again! I smile big and say "Baxter, you're human again!" He nods once "it worked better for me than it did for you though. I didn't get hurt" Baxter informs me, so I just smile as realization hits me as I look at Donnie. "Donnie, I swear once I realized he was doing it behind your back I refused! I promise" I say upset. Donnie smiles saying "I know.... he told me, then he used the last batch of perfected retro-mutagen on himself." I smile softly saying "well.... I'm back.. even though it was kind of fun to be a humanoid turtle."

Baxter looks at me shocked as Donnie let's go "Louisa, I thought yo hated it?" Donnie asks shocked as Baxter's eyes are wide, so I chuckle. "It felt like I could've been in your shoes for a bit, ya know? See what it's like to be you" I say happily. Donnie blushes, but I say "hey Baxter, do you know how to make glasses??" Baxter nods his head. "Yeah, I prepped myself for it, why?" Baxter asks while pointing at his own glasses, so I point at my eyes. "I need glasses since I'm not a mutant anymore, it helped my vision better than any pair of glasses I've ever had" I joke.

We all laugh, but I walk side by side with Baxter as we walk towards the barn, getting ready to make glasses "you know, I remember what your old one's look like. You can get those back" Baxter says while adjusting his own, I smile saying "yes!" We laugh a little. We had to go through tests for my eyesight and he immediately got to work on my glasses. When we got done I get a weird feeling "Baxter, don't question my next antics, okay?" I ask him. The weird feeling grew as I realize that I should try to meditate to see what's happening right now.

Baxter nods, so I sit down and cross my legs and concentrate as I let my ice/snow powers softly go above my hands while meditating. "No one gets me... no one but you and Louisa" Mikey says and I hear Ice Cream Kitty meow. I softly smile at the sound, but Mikey says "you're just so cute, I could just eat you up" then ICK meows again. Right at that point I almost jumped when I heard ICK hissing as the wind blows slightly. "What do ya think Kitty, go after her?" Mikey asks as ICK meows in anger and hisses once again.

Mikey then says "my thoughts exactly" I open my eyes and look at Baxter to see him raising an eyebrow at me, so I stand up. "Baxter I'm going into the woods with Mikey, you can come if you want to, but we don't trust her." Baxter's eyes widen as he looked at my hands, then he looks me in the eyes as he smiles and nods once. "I'm coming with you, but only because I can help you with your powers" Baxter says making me smile softly. With that I grab his hand and pull him out to where Mikey is already on his way into the woods.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


2012 TMNT Buried Secrets (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now