Mammon X Reader:His Human

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My inspiration died halfway through this so I'm sorry if it turned out bad 👉👈

This was originally supposed to be short but, 4500+ words isn't very short is it?


A human in a Demon infested underworld. What could go wrong? Nothing, right?


It's been half a year since you've arived in Devildom, and you really enjoyed it! Most of it, anyways.

The seven brothers we're a hassal sometimes, but you liked having them around. They gave you a reason to smile when you got home from another shitty day. Dealing with low life demons who did nothing but make fun of you and harass you was tiring.

Everytime you were hit by someone, you kept it to yourself, hiding the mark that the demon left behind. You never wanted to worry the guys, especially since you liked the idea of the exchange program.

So when you got back to the house, they helped you forget. Especially Mammon, as greedy as the demon is. He did make you laugh a lot. And you even developed a crush on him as time went by.

Was that a bad decision on your part? Probably.

But hey, you couldn't stop yourself from liking him. And his goofy smile, his fluffy hair, his big hands that wrapped around yours perfectly...


A sigh left you as you made your way from your class to the last one of the day. It was Friday, and you anticipated getting back to the house to take a warm shower.

'Just one more hour..' You thought, quietly walking into the classroom filled with demons. As usual, you got looks, but you ignored them. Solomon was in this class aswell, but he didn't come today unfortunately.

So you sat alone in the back, waiting for the class to start.

Half way through class, a paper ball was thrown at you. You looked to where it came from, your eyes meeting a girls lavender orbs. She had black hair pulled back into a bun, and tan skin. She smiled sweetly at you, gesturing at you to open the paper and read it.

You furrowed your brows, hesitantly opening the paper to read it.

'Meet me at the back of
the school after class.'

There wasn't a signature from her. You glanced back at the girl, seeing her snickering quietly to her friends as if nothing happened.

Why in the world would she wanna meet you? And why now? You've been here half a year and she's now just trying to talk? Well, this could be a trick. And if you went, it would mean another beating.

But she seemed so kind, and you didn't want to throw a lable on her just because of others.

You'd think about it...

"I hope I don't regret this.." you mumble to yourself, holding your books close to your chest. Pushing past larger demons who didn't care to spare you a glance, you headed the opposite way of where you usually walked to go home.

And a certain demon noticed this from afar.

Your nerves were high, but on the outside you looked confident. 'It's gonna be fine, just turn around if it's shady.'

Turning a corner, you saw the girl leaning against the school wall alone, texting on her phone. She peaked up at you for a second, texted one last thing, then stood straight to meet your eyes.

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