Lucifer X Reader:Oops, You're Caught

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Happy late birthday to this da d dY


You and Lucifer have been in a secret relationship for months now. Ever since you were introduced to him by your older brother Diavolo, you fell hopelessly in love with him. For the longest time, you kept your feelings a secret. Until you found out the demon had felt the same way.

Diavolo, doesn't know about you both, nor do the six brothers of Lucifer. Although they do suspect something is going on.

There were a few reasons your relationship was a secret between the two of you. You were worried Diavolo would disapprove of it, and Lucifer was worried it would be unprofessional to him. Diavolo had always been a little overprotective over you, but he meant well.

Today, Lucifer had come to the castle today to help Diavolo with some tasks, so you decided to tag along. When Diavolo wasn't paying attention, you'd blow kisses and wink at Lucifer and giggle when he restrained himself from walking over.

Of course you knew Diavolo could easily turn around and catch you, but you wanted to tease the prideful demon.

"Ahem." You turned your head, spotting Barbatos striding into the room with the tea Diavolo had asked for. Barbatos gave you a side look, a small smile on his lips. You rolled your eyes, grinning at him innocently.

He knew of yout secret, and supported the two of you fortunately. You had accidently spoken about it to him when you were hanging around him, and made him promise not to tell anyone.

"Ah! Thank you Barbatos." Diavolo stood and thanked the butler. "Of course my Lord."

As Diavolo and Lucifer discussed matters with your occasional input, you sipped your tea until your D.D.D vibrated.

Asmo was calling you?

You stood and excused yourself, answering the call once you were out of the room.

"Hello?" You spoke, walking down the long hallway of your home. "Oh (Y/n) dear~ How are you doing today?" He cooed over the phone.

"I'm well, but why are you calling randomly?" Asmo giggled. "What? A friend can't call just to talk? You answered so you must not be busy, unless I'm interrupting something with a certain someone~"

You groaned, shaking your head. "Shut uppp, I told you me and Lucifer aren't together. Stop being so weird." You huffed, lying through your teeth. Of course Asmo of all demons suspected something.

"Have you two-"

"I will hang up and block you." You said flatly. "Fine, fine. Buuuut, I did actually call for a reason! Do you still happen to have that perfume I lended you a while ago?" Asmo asked.

You hummed in thought, telling him you needed to find it in your room. "I do have it though! I'll give it to Lucifer to bring back to you when he leaves." You said, reaching your room. You set the phone down on your dresser, scanning the products you had in search of Asmos.

As you searched, Asmo began talking about his day. Well, actually about how good he looked all day, and how every demon was fawning over him apparently.

Ugh, why do you have so much stuff?

"Ah, found it!" You exclaimed, snatching up the bottle. Setting it aside where you wouldn't forget it, you went to grab your phone. The creak of your door opening made you stop and turn.

"Lucifer?" You whispered as he entered your room. "How did you know-?"

"Your teasing made it seem like you wanted me to lunge at you and expose us to Lord Diavolo." Lucifer spoke, making his way towards you. "W-wait Lucifer, I'm on-"

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