Asmo X Reader:Work of Art

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Writing this while sleep deprived is fun <3

Lis t e N. I feel like Asmo is such a caring bb when it comes to his lover, if thats not what he is already. Uh. Also he needs more screen time thanks for coming to my ted talk.


You have tattos all over your body. Up your arms, on your legs, your back, your chest. They covered a large proportion of your body. And you love them. But, you never show them.

They were always covered up by your clothes. Baggy, long sleeve shirts. Sweatpants, hoodies, and all that jazz.

You had a few reasons for this. One, you were less likely to be hired for any jobs with the amount of tattos you have. Two, you never really felt the need to show them off. Sure they were pleasing to look at. But they were on your body, so they were for your eyes only.

Of course there were times they were exposed. But mainly on accident. Like the time your sleeve slipped down your arm when you stretched and Levi saw it, pointing the tattoo out.

Or the time you rolled your sleeves up because it was a particularly hot day. You were alone until Mammon busted in. You kicked him out right after, yelling at him to knock next time.

Your boyfriend even saw them. Asmodeous liked to try and dress you up, but you would always shimmy away or stop him. Once he tugged your shirt a little too high, exposing a tattoo of a butterfly with stretched wings, two flowers on each side.

You chased him around and had to have Satan hold you back from punching the lustful demon.

Were you insecure about your tattoos? No..just, not very happy with some of them. Some were gotten just because of your emotions, which you later regretted.

But you kept them anyways, adding onto them as time went by.

You stood infront of your body length mirror, staring at the art that covered your arms and upper body. Different stories with each one, different emotions with every line.

Sometimes when you were alone, you'd take off your shirt and just stare at yourself. You even traced the tattoos to calm yourself.

You wondered how Asmo would react if he saw all of them. Would he like them? Would he still date you? You knew how much he 'adored' clear skin and all of that, but he didn't say anything negative when he first saw the other tattoo.

"Oh my dearest (Y/n)~ I'm coming in!" You spun around, watching as your door opened to reveal none other than Asmo hisself.

You shrieked, sprinting over to your bed and snatching your shirt to put it back on.

"Asmo!! Learn to knock!" You exclaimed with a flushed face. While your shirt was over your head, you felt a pair of hands on your hips. You pulled away, finally pulling your shirt back on.

Glarring at the smiling demon, you hugged yourself protectively. Well, your thoughts were probably about to be answered.

"So that's what you've been hiding under all those baggy clothes, hmm?" Asmo spoke about your tattoos.

You pursed your lips, glancing off. Admittedly, you were worried about what he thought. Even if you said you weren't before.

"They were cute if you want my opinion~ Especially on you!" Asmo purred, making you furrow your brows and look back at him.

" like them? Actually?" You asked.

"Of course I do! Your body is a canvas, with beautiful art all over! How could I not appreciate a work of art? Even though I am one myself~" You became red at his compliments (?), the worry from before melting away.

"Plus the way your body-"

"Don't!" You quickly interrupted Asmos creepy statement, earning a giggle from him. He then wrapped his arms around you, lifting you and rubbing his cheek against yours lovingly.

"I wish you'd shown me sooner! Although I did see the one before, I didn't know you had so many!" He said to you.

You shrugged, being set back down.

"I guess I never felt like I needed to show them off. But I'm happy you like them, I was a little worried at first you wouldn't." You admitted.

"Oh (Y/n), you never have to worry about what I don't like when it comes to you." Asmo cooed, pressing his lips to your temple. You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his jaw.

How you loved when Asmo was so gentle and kind with you, even if he acted like a horny flirt after.

Asmo lifted you again, carrying you over to your bed and plopping down with you still in his arms. He rested his head on your shoulder.

You jumped when he started attacking you with kisses, making you laugh and squirm in his arms. He held you from running away, kissing all over your face. This went on for a few minutes, until you were both out of breath.

After setting down, you sighed in content and leaned against your lovers chest.

"Can I see them again? Pretty please?? " He asked you. You hummed, pushing up your sleeves to show your tattoos. Asmo took your hand, using his other to trace the lines lightly.

It tickled a little, but you were comfortable otherwise. For the rest of the night, Asmo traced all your tattoos, complimenting them and how good they looked on you. Occasionally he left kisses on the ones you admitted to not liking, praising you right after.

Of course you were a little embarrassed, but other than that, you were happy. You felt content in Asmos arms.

Your bedroom door swung open.

"(Y/n)! Have ya seen-!"

"Get out!" You yelled, throwing a pillow directly at the second oldest.

"Wh- hey! What do ya think y'ere doin with (Y/n)!?" Mammon yelled, seeing you cuddled up with Asmo.

"What, are you jealous?~" Asmo teased, pulling you closer.

You sighed, knowing that this was about to turn into an argument between the two. And you were stuck between it, again.

So much for being content.


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