Mammon X Reader:Blossom

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And a soulmate AU :D
'Everyone has a flower bud protruding from somewhere on them. Your soulmate has the same flower on them. Your flower blooms when you meet your soulmate.'

Two posts in a day? I got a sudden burst of inspiration today

Also, my birthday is this friday :D If I have time, I'll write something special for it <3


'Where am I?..." You blinked, looking around until your eyes fell upon several men sitting before you.

You furrowed your brows in confusion.

One of them stood, a warm smile on their lips.

"Welcome to Devildom, (Y/n)." To what??

"Oh, Pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we? Well that's understandable. You've only just arrived after all."

'Uhm, yeah, I'm kinda real lost here dude.'

After a bit of monologue from the man named Diavolo, you asked why you were here.

"I will explain everything to you." Another voice sounded. You looked over to another man, with black hair.

"(Y/n), this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the Avatar of Pride. He's also the Vice President of the Student Council and my right-hand man...and not just in the title, I assure you."

Blah blah blah, another monologue later. You were given a D.D.D, and apparently you were supposed to call a demon named Mammon.

The phone rang once, before the line was picked up.



"Are ya foolin' around? Who the hell are ya?" You couldn't help but grin.

"I'm a human." You replied casually.

"Whaa? A human??"

He went on and said you should have told him that in the first place, and you had him thinking you were Lucifer. After he asked what you wanted with him, and you told him he was gonna be in charge of you, he straight out said no and tried to leave.

You tried telling him Lucifer said he was to do this, but he ignored you until Lucifer got on the line, threatening Mammon. That sure made him believe you.

You were introduced to three more of the seven brothers, each greeting you in their own way. A little small talk went by, until Beelzebub had brought up the flower bud sitting right in between your ear and head.

Before you could open your mouth to explain, Asmo butted in.

"Oh I know~ In the human world, humans have flowers somewhere on their body, but only as a bud! The flower only blossoms once they meet their soulmate!" Asmo spoke, and you nodded.

"What a shame though! Yours hasn't bloomed, how have you not found your soulmate yet?" You felt a little embarrassed by the question, shrugging your shoulders.

"Dunno, most of the people I knew in the human world already found theirs. I guess I just didn't look much?" You responded, feeling the bud gently.

"If your conversation is done now, it seems the idiot has arrived." You raised a brow, hearing the door behind you swing open. Turning around, your eyes landed on a tan, white haired demon with blue eyes.

Something clicked within you, an unknown surge suddenly bursting from your feet to your head.

"Hey! Just who do you think you are, Human? You've got a lotta nerve summoning the Great Mammon!" He exclaimed. You stared at him, unable to speak from the shock you felt.

"(Y/n)'s flower just bloomed." Satan spoke.

"And there's a flower just like (Y/n)s on Mammons ear now! What a surprising turn of events!" Diavolo said with a grin.

"A what?? Wh- Why is a flower on my head?!" Mammon exclaimed, touching the orchid in surprise.

No way.

"Mammon is (Y/n)'s Soulmate! What a horrible experience that is going to be for her!" Asmo added.

You weren't able to process how you were feeling. It was all so quick, so you froze up. Your soulmate was a demon, that you just met, that you already know is a complete dork.

How fitting.

"Oi! Stop starin' and tell me why I got a flower just like you human!" Mammon stomped over to you, placing his arms on your shoulders and shaking you.

You stumbled, shaking your head as you finally fell out of your trance.

"U-uh. What??"

"Ya' heard me! Why do-!"

"Mammon, you will refrain from putting your hands on (Y/n) like that. She was just in shock." Lucifer spoke with a sigh, rubbing his temple.

"Plus, your first impression to her is yelling at her and shaking her, which isn't good. She is your soulmate after all~" You slowly reached up, feeling the petals of your newly bloomed flower. An orchid.

"Stop sayin' she's my soulmate! And tell me why there's  a flower that won't get off of my face!!" Mammon yelled.

"Uh, Uhm.. Your soulmate has the same flower as you on their body, and when you meet each other, the flowers bloom." You explained to him.

Mammon blinked.

"You're really are an idiot, Mammon.."

"Hey! It's not my fault she said some random mumbo jumbo!"

"She's literally just told you that you and her are soulmates. She even dumbed it down a bit for you and you still didn't understand."

"I'm just supposed to believe that? And you're all siding with her too?" You bit your inner lip, unsure on what to say.

"Well it's true, it's from the human world, but apparently it can extend to the other realms as well." You nodded.

Nervously, you shifted around on your feet. Maybe because you were a human, he wouldn't give you a chance. You cleared your throat, gaining the demons attention.

With an awkward smile and a held out hand, you introduced yourself.

"I'm (Y/n). It's uh, it's nice to meet you Mammon." Mammon looked down at you, furrowing his brows. But when he saw the hopeful glint in your eyes, he looked away and muttered to himself.

He reached out and grabbed your hand.

"Nice ta meet you too or whatever..." He mumbled, a slight blush growing on his cheeks. You smiled, glancing over to the orchid in between his head and ear.

Hopefully you and him can grow just like the flower did.


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