Chapter 3.3 Fantasy

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wait. I thought we were done? 

haha. stupid child. we're far from done! ill make this stretch on for however long I want! 

sigh. Also, when do I get my hoodie back? 



I'll give it back tomorrow for a pack of skittles. 

what if I gave you a pack of Lindors instead? I'm scared you're going to die from heart disease or something if you keep eating skittles. 

awww! you care about me! You have a deal but they have to be the red or white ones. Oh and u let me use your hoodie whenever I want. cause its comfy. 


Ok! back to the content! so, we talked about how wacky our plots can be right? 


Alright! so, any fantasy story needs that element of well...fantasy! you can have a plethora of characters, especially fantasy beasts! I have crafted you a list : 

Wait a second. So I can have five thousand characters in a fantasy story? 

No. That's too much. Anyway, here's my list of creatures u can use!

- demon

- vampire 

- werewolf 

- mermaid 

that's it! 

WOW. that's a lot. *note the sarcasm* 

Shut up u meanie.

 no but seriously, that's all?

Yep! these are the main 4! So! let's get started! which one do you wanna learn about first?

Hmmm. Vampire. 


wanna make ur hot main love interest a total bad boy? turn him into a vampire! 

the absolute best for tall dark and handsome! and his eyes turn red! WOW! you can make it really romantic by having him suck your MC's blood! wow! he's a human mosquito but hot! 


Say it with me! HOT HUMAN MOSQUITO! 

Can a girl also be a vamp or is it just MR. HOtTiE?

I mean could do a reverse thing like that but... this is Wattpad. stories like that are rare. I think. But who doesn't want a handsome hunk of a man chase after you because your blood smells so good and it's the best kind! you'll never find the same sweet-smelling blood ANYWHERE.  


NOw. before we turn our MR. perfect into into a vampire, we need to know some lore. 

 Oh! they can't eat garlic! and, and! they can't go out in the sun! 

Yep! those are great! thankfully, lore and vampires are very versatile so you can adjust them to your liking. 

don't want your Mr. handsome to burn up in the sun? don't worry, he's too op for that shite anyway! 

So basically, he's just a bad boy with magic shadow powers and sucks blood to amp up the romance? 

yeah lol. here are some popular tropes that you could write about!

the VAMP kidnaps the girl! will she find LOVE?


Trade and sell the hoomans! OH Noes! our MC has been sold to the hot rich nobleman vamp! he's so mean I don't wanna be his stupid servant! thank god I'm a feisty shite! look at him! he's in LOVE



why is this so dark? I thought this was going to be something normal. Like highschool vampires or something. 

But that boring! we need to spice it up! also yeah. High school vampire's are a thing but Mr hot-human-mosquito is the next coven leader or something

NO. I dislike this. can we move on? to like mermaids?

OK! amazingly, either the Mc or the love interest can be mers! 


now how cute would it be if Mr. Handsome doesn't understand english? A poor washed up mer?


but actually, he's the son of the leader of their pod and has gone missing during a fight, the family is frantic to find him as he's the heir! 

that's cool! 

he meets the MC and sparks fly, he then realizes that she/he is the missing descendant of a long line of sea gods and only her/his appearance can restore order but oh no the evil other pod or tribe or whatever have couldn't get their way if he's/she's on the GOOD side! So now the baddies have found thier  way to land to kill her/him!  The sea goddess/god needs protection! TRUST NO ONE! 

wait slow down. 

or, OR! MC is a marine biologist and his/her science team has caught a mer! Time to release that sucker back in the ocean where he belongs! YOU CAN'T KEEP THE MERMAID/MERMAN/MERPERSON. 

that might make a good story actually. 


let's take it down a notch shall we? 

let's talk about demons. 

i'm a little scared for this 

it's fine. Wattpad demons are basically glorified vampires but without the blood sucking and they have vague unexplained powers! 


Trope time!

spare me. 

 its just the vampire trope all over again. 

that's it?


Fine. werewolves? 

that shite needs a chapter all on its own. 

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