Chapter 3.4 Fantasy

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Oh boy, where to start?

the dynamics?

weeelllll there's




what? aren't those letters of the Greek alphabet?

Yep! Here's what they all mean!


these are the dominant bois. 

in a word. Alpha's are the leaders. 

whether it be a relationship or a pack. they are the heads. they take care of their partners and are quick to defend them.   

Obviously, OUR HUNK OF A MAN IS THE ALPHA! OR GAL! and that means 


so, Alphas are leaders?


what about betas?

In a pack setting, they would be second in command. But in an AU, they're kinda your average people that don't really matter. Like supporting characters! They don't get all the perks Alpha's and Omega's do. they're just there lol.

Hold up, about the pack thing. Does it follow the same pack dynamic as a normal wolf pack?

YEP! well, sort of. You see a common trope is when the Omega, normally, considered the weakest and lowest member of the pack, turns out to be the mate of our HUNKY Alpha. 

I don't know much about actual wolves lol 

uh. So, in a normal wolf pack, the omega is like a punching bag and is the weakest member of the pack usually, they stay behind to take care of the pups. And are at the "outskirts" of the pack. 

OH! yeah that's a common trope! the Omega MC is the punching bag, and escapes this horrible life by running away and meeting the Alpha of their dreams or coincidentally being the mate of the HUNK whose going to be next Alpha! 

Oh. So it doesn't actually follow real pack dynamics. Probably because we're dealing with humans and not actual wolves lol

yeah lol. 

OK so, the Omega 

they are weak, but your MC can be feisty!  

Both genders can bear children BTW.   


yeah and both gender of Alpha can uh, well... lets just say they can get Omega's pregnant.




Well! Let's talk about scents!


YEP! Now bear with me!

Sometimes weres can only smell their mates scent which occurs on their 18th birthday. Covenintly this is also the legal age to you know what and still be in highschool!

 Now your mate usually smells like the thing you most admire!

What? I don't get it

Ok so, Lets say we're mates


Now, you like sports right?


So to you I'd smell like grass and dirt or in more literary terms, I'd give off an earthy scent like freshly cut grass or something. 


And to me, you'd smell like a candy shop! cause I LOVE CANDY 


But, that doesn't make sense! why would you smell like the outside! You only leave your room to go to school and eat! 

I do to! I go for runs! I'm partially active! 

You dropped out of gym.

I don't need it for my future 

Sure. keep making excuses. Anyway, I don't spend six hours of my time in candy shops like you so why would I smell like one? 

You said I spend all my time in my room!

Ok. You don't spend all your time in your room. 


You spend half of it in your room and the other half in the candy shop down the street. 


I do not! 

You literally sprint to the "Gumdrop's Confections"  near our school everyday after school and buy a concerning amount of candy. 


speaking off which, i'm going to start picking you up from there after school form now on so you don't spend your whole allowance on skittles.

Ooh! A free ride home with you? I'm down! We can talk more that way! 

Omg yeah we can!

Also you should join the track team. 


I think you beat our best sprinters record I'm gonna time you next time your passion for candy is an art of its own. Anyway back to my point: 

I don't go to candy shops I just eat the chocolate you buy for me so why would I smell like a candy shop? and the only kind of sport you do is a candy sprint so why would you smell like the outside? i mean shouldn't it be me who smells like the earth? 

you've got a point there. But I think the reason is mainly to make the other partner more appealing. Like you'd date someone who smelled like a thing you like?  I think I just used a bad example tho cause most of the time its a sweet food example. Like for example strawberries or vanilla or something 

I don't like  strawberries. They taste squishy and the seeds make them taste even grosser.

Try dipping them in Chocolate! 



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