Teaser + question

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(Is it bad that I've been thinking about the future of the "Beast Tamer" books so far that I plan on making a 4th book which will be a prequel-ish book. I know that sounds confusing but it'd make more sense to read. Also, here's that teaser I was talking about. But, as you read I'd like to remind you of all of the strange occurrences that have been happening to (Y/n) and rethink what you might first believe about the teaser.)

Jackie feels her throat tighten as she cradled (Y/n)'s limp body. Through teary eyes, she looks over his body and the many bloody slashes that cut through his winter coat. She pries her eyes away from the heartbreaking sight and looks out into the white wasteland of the cold, snowy mountain.

"N-not looking too good, huh?" (Y/n) asks her through pained grunts. Jackie quickly brings her attention back to him as she pulls him closer in an attempt to keep him warm, "N-no! You'll be fine!" She exclaimed, tears threatening to fall. But, no matter how hard she tried, she could tell that (Y/n)'s condition would only get worse unless someone were to rescue them soon.

(Y/n) seemed to know this too as he sinks into her embrace, giving her what he thought would be his last request, "C-could you siding to me?" He asked looking into her eyes with his energy rapidly draining, "Like when we w-were young..."

Jackie's tears finally began to fall as she looks down at the man who had stolen more than just her heart. She nods as she racks her mind, trying to remember the song she would sing to him whenever he had nightmares as a kid. Until she finally had enough courage to begin singing.

"T-through the storm and over the sea,
sits a place just waiting to be seen.
A-a place just for you and me,
to be happy and free,
together forever..."

Jackie's voice cracks and she stops for a moment to look down at her love. However, he has gone deadly still, his breath which was previously visible having come to a halt. Jackie begins to cry as she holds the now lifeless body tighter and she sobs, her cries being drowned out by the howling wind of the mountain...

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