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Commander Shadis stomped his foot in front of you and looked you in the eye with a stare capable of murder. You returned the favor, resisting your need to blink. The Commander let the tension between you build up, attempting to break you. Unfortunately for the Commander, you decided to break him.

You leaned in closer and let a smirk seep through your face. "Is something the matter, Commander?"

Gasps were heard from the other trainees. They likely thought, How dare she defy the Commander? She could get in trouble!

On the other hand, you thought it was a great way to let people know who you were, and that you weren't there to fuck around.

"Sorry?" Shadis replied. "Who are you again?"

"[Y/N] of Utopia, sir." You told him with confidence.

The Commander leaned in uncomfortably close to your face. He let out a smirk of his own and said, "Well, [Y/N] of Utopia, it would be in your best interest to get a hold of that cockiness before you suffer a punishment." He leaned back slowly, but it seemed like he wasn't done. He then came back even closer. "And, you should get used to being the underdog. It seems you're confused about who the boss is around here."

You cringed as droplets of his saliva landed on your face as he spoke. He moved along, angrily interviewing more frightened cadets. His next victim was a sweet, dark haired boy from the Jinae district, who was cool and collected. Shadis didn't approve of his calmness. You pitied him, because even though he wasn't a jerk like you, he still managed to get onto Shadis' bad side. Afterward, he got to another guy, who gave off an even more overweening aura than you did. You commended his confidence, and decided to keep an eye out for him. He seemed like the type of person you'd want to become friends with.

Later that day, you were grabbing dinner in the mess hall, and sat down by yourself, unfazed. That is, until a swarm of trainees gathered around you like the paparazzi.

"So, Utopia, huh?" A voice said.

"How cold is it up there?" Said another.

"Do you guys go ice fishing during recess or something?" And another.

It was an endless wave of questions.

You laughed. "Let's just say we don't have the warmest summers. Swimming in the lake without freezing your ass off is a once-every-year activity."

You liked the attention you were receiving by the rest of the trainees. It was humbling, yet flattering. Yes, Utopia was one of the coldest districts within the walls, and you always thought of living there as a curse. Though now you were having second thoughts. It was acting like a blessing.

Once all the inquiries were answered, you finally finished your food and exited the mess hall. You walked along the clusters of cabins and looked to see if anyone was on your porch or in your cabin. Negative.

You walked up the steps and sat on the last one, wrapping your arms around your legs. You watched the other cadets laugh and goof off, smile while they still could. Although you maintained a smug complexion, your thoughts easily got the best of you. Your parents always said you only saw the world in black and white. This was due to no particular reason, and you could easily say that's the way you were born. Luckily, this turned you into a wiser person, contrary to what others thought of you; ignorant and self-endeared.

The creaking of a door caught your attention, and you lifted your guard. You looked around to see who it was, but found out it wasn't coming from your cabin, and sulked back down. The sound of footsteps were heard, but you didn't feel a presence and shook it off.

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