5: Enigmatic Connections

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Ottawa Green University
Time: 12:00 AM

Nisha's Point of View

I was startled awake by a noise, or rather, by people conversing. I could make out two voices, but they were whispering, making it a unique and intriguing encounter. Despite their hushed tones, I could still hear them clearly. I checked the clock, and it read 12 a.m. Confused about what was happening, I sensed that they were somehow pulling me outdoors.

Getting up from my bunk, I grabbed a jacket and put it on as I rubbed my eyes, still trying to shake off the sleepiness. Although I could hear their voices, the words were indistinguishable to me. Nevertheless, I couldn't resist the curiosity that had taken hold of me, urging me to find out what was going on.

I cautiously opened the door so as not to disturb Nathalie's beauty sleep. Taking a deep breath, I turned my head towards the front door, where the voices seemed to be coming from. I knew I was walking into the unknown and possibly digging my own grave, but at that moment, my curiosity overpowered any fear of danger or death. I felt compelled to uncover the secrets hidden within the whispers and unravel the mysteries that surrounded me.

The frigid air greeted me as I stepped outside, and a sense of foreboding washed over me. It felt like I had become a character in a narrative, bracing myself for an uncertain fate. The whispers of the two individuals were still audible, and it was evident that they were discussing something of great importance. Driven by curiosity and an inexplicable connection to their voices, I followed the sound, ignoring the biting cold.

As I continued on, the sensation I was experiencing became oddly familiar, as if I had been in a similar situation before. Eventually, the whispers ceased, but I could still hear their breaths, indicating that I was getting closer. The revelation of this newfound ability to hear voices left me feeling uncomfortable and perplexed. What was happening to me? What was I?

Lost in my thoughts, I realized I had wandered far from our dorm room. Nevertheless, I remained determined to see this through. I soon arrived at an old, decrepit structure. It seemed like a residence, but its ancient appearance made it stand out from the rest of the university buildings. A faint light emanated from inside, confirming that the voices were indeed coming from there.

Approaching the old house cautiously, I stopped about three meters away. It was clearly abandoned, covered in dust and neglect. My instincts told me to find a hiding spot, and I took a step to conceal myself, ready to observe without being noticed. I needed to understand the purpose of this clandestine meeting and, most importantly, my strange connection to it.

The girl's voice echoed, "This University is weird." I turned my attention towards the door, but there was no sign of anyone coming out. They must still be inside the building. I kept watching them from my hidden spot when suddenly, I heard a loud noise as the door broke open, revealing the two individuals inside.

"I don't know what's happening at this university, but something doesn't feel right. This abandoned place is a mess, with items scattered about. Earlier, one of my roommates was talking about it when the bell rang," the man said. As they stepped outside, I could now see that they were a young lady and a man. But it was the man's words that captured my attention. I listened closely, mentally preparing myself for whatever revelation might come next.

The young lady demanded an answer, "Would you mind explaining?"

"He said that the Fentanyl experiment failed again. And when the bell rang, it meant that the person they experimented on had turned into a mutant and escaped. The bell serves as a warning to those connected to the Peur Organization-it's a sign that we're in danger," the man explained.

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