Last Nerves

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A/N I apologise if this chapter isn't as good as the rest, it will get better in the next chapter. Kakashi is being a jerk because he has mixed feelings of Yori, I wonder if his resolve will lead to her demise in the next few chapters? Read and find out! x ~ enjoy! 

Kakashi’s POV 

Lately I have been getting annoyed really easy, especially at Obito. His and Yori’s friendship - if it is even that - has gotten closer, they always hang out together and train. It bothers me, but as usual I push these unnecessary feelings away, they are not needed as a ninja. Its 8:45am and Yori and I must meet up with the team at the gate for another mission in 15 minutes, Yori however is still asleep. 

I walk to her door and slam it open, ‘it’s really my apartment, who cares about knocking’. She jumps two foot in the air, falls on the floor and grabs a kunai knife from somewhere. “What?” She murmurs standing up, her hair a birds nest. I begin to blush as my eyes avert down, looking at her bed attire, a large t-shirt that is mid thigh length, going off her left shoulder as she leans to the side, rubbing her eye cutely… ‘these emotions will be the death of me’. 

“We have a mission in 15 minutes” I tell her. “What! Move!” She says grabbing clothes and pushing me out of her bedroom onto the ground near my door as she heads to the bathroom. ‘How dare she!’ I grumble. ‘If only she wasn’t needed for this mission’ I sigh and leave her here as I head to the gate - ‘a ninja must never be late’.  

Yori’s POV

‘I can’t believe I am late! Kakashi could have easily woken me up earlier and he didn’t even wait for me! He’s been in such a fowl mood lately and has been taking it out on me’ I grumble running to the gate, wringing the excess water from my hair. 

I look ahead and see the team waiting, ‘Obito’s there! I am later then Obito!’ I arrive depressed. Nobody takes into account my current mood and just rubs it in the fact I am late, mainly Kakashi. I roll my eyes and look at sensei, who has pulled out a scroll. 

“Okay team, we are to take a wealthy business man back to the gates of Suna. We must keep our eyes open and be alert at all times, while the businessman is not a big target, we are currently in war and our enemies will try and sabotage the mission and take us out as well. Be on you best behaviour, here he comes now” sensei finishes and looks up. We all turn around and see a fairly big fellow, as tall as Minato sensei, with neatly combed brunette hair, a moustache and is adorned in expensive clothes. ‘He looks like a snob’ I note, observing the way he is interacting with us. 

We start our journey to Suna. A few hours into the trip I walk up to Obito, “Hey, so… how are you and Rin getting on?” I ask suggestively, putting my hands behind my back smirking. He begins to blush and stutter, “N-n-not so loud! She could hear you” putting his hands on my mouth. 

I roll my eyes and walk beside him quietly, I turn to my right and see Kakashi, passive as ever. I look around and notice nothing out of the ordinary, so I walk over to him. “Hey” I smile. He just looks at me, raises an eyebrow then furrows them, shakes his head and walks faster. ‘What’s his problem’. I catch up to him, “you know its rude not to reply to someone when they say hello to you” “you know its wrong for a ninja to not take a mission seriously” he taunted back. I frown insulted, “whats got a stick up your butt” “Pay attention and actually do your job as a ninja.” 

I am seriously getting angry right now, he has had such a fowl mood over the past week. The air temperature drops a few degrees and stays at that level. Sensei walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, “calm down, don’t waste your energy on this” he smiles and walks to the back of the businessman’s carriage. ‘Did I mention the businessman, whose name is Donyoku - fitting name for a greedy person, has an expensive, luxurious carriage pulled by two horses while we must walk and run most of the time.’ 

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