Awkward Encounters

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Next Morning….

I stretch and turn to the side of my bed and peer out at the horizon coming over the homage’s faces. ‘Wow, it’s really pretty’ I ponder as I turn to my wardrobe and grab my kimono and other items and head to the bathroom. As I finish showering, I hear a door slam. ‘Ah Kakashi must be awake’ I muse as I ring out my hair, my ears twitching. ‘Today I think I will go and train’ I hum to myself as I exit the bathroom and get my ninja boots. 

I arrive at the training field that I sparred against Kakashi yesterday. No one is around I notice as I scan the area. Today I think I will train with my summonings and probably transform, I still can’t get that right unless I am angry. ‘Saru, tatsu, mi, tori, u, inu, uma, tora’ I say as I perform hand signs and bite my right thumb, “Summoning Jutsu!” I yell as I place my hands on the ground. ‘Poof’ 

“Hello Yori sama” my largest wolf says as he bows. He is fire red with charcoal eyes and stands a little taller than me in human form.

“Aki, how many times have I told you, just call me Yori” 

“Yes Yori sama” I sweatdrop, all well. 

“Well, today I think we should learn some new moves together in my wolf form, I need to learn to transform when I am not angry so we can use some routines”

“Yes Yori sama, you do get rather aggressive and you don’t listen to others when you are so” Aki grins at me. 

“Yeah, yeah” I wave dismissively. “Okay lets do this!” I let my chakra flow through my body, I feel my eyes start to glow and my body changing to its wolf form. It is slightly uncomfortable. “All right! I did it” I say looking at paws. 'I am just a bit smaller than Aki, I am yet to grow to my full size. 

"No you didn't" Aki indicates to my back, I turn around and notice my tail is missing. 'Noo! Aww man, I almost had it' I sulk. I channel my chakra and my tail appears after several attempts... 

Throughout the day we train and learn new moves and strategies for battle. When the sun starts to go down we finish off and I let him un-summon. I change back to my human form and feel an odd breeze. I look down ‘NOOO! I knew this would happen! Oh no no no no no!’ I chant seeing myself in just my bra and underwear. ‘I can’t go home like this’ I panic. I change back to my wolf form and pace around. ‘I know! I will run home in this form and change in my room! Perfect’  I smile to myself proud. 

I start to run home, hearing a few gasps and a scream possibly. ‘Psssh, it’s not that weird, we have people who can breathe fire, and I am weird?’ I run to my door and try to open it with my paw. ‘Gaah, I can’t do it’ I growl annoyed. I look to my left and right and see no one in sight. ‘Okay, I will transform and run in’. I transform and open the door and slam it behind me. As I go to run to my room I hear hysteric laughter. ‘Crap!’ Kakashi is laughing, hanging onto the kitchen table.

“What happened to you! This is hilarious!” he says. I do notice some slight pink above his mask. I turn beet red and growl. ‘I am so sick of him!’ I growl really low, he looks to me with an eyebrow raised. As he looks me up and down he goes back to laughing. “You had to walk through town like that! I knew you were useless, can’t even keep your clothes. Hahahaha” Kakashi laughs. ‘That is it!’ I pounce and change form. My ears are back, I am growling, teeth bearing, holding him down of the ground. I see his eyes widen dramatically as he tries to squirm. I snap at him and he holds still. ‘I really want to bite him’. I think looking at him. ‘That arrogant ass’ as I ponder in my thoughts I don’t realise I let him get out from underneath me. I feel someone start rubbing behind my ear and I push my head to meet that hand whining. ‘What?’ I stop all movements and see Kakashi rubbing my ears and the back of my neck. If I were in my human form I know I would be blushing. Kakashi sees me looking at him and he stops. 

“I didn’t know you can turn into a wolf.” he says glancing me over.

I look down and start to move to my room. When he starts to follow and I growl. He stops and I go into my room. In no time at all I change back and get dressed and walk out. My headband is now tied around my left wrist, my ears twitching. 

“uhhh, sorry about that. You annoyed me” I say scratching behind my neck. 

“Hmm” Kakashi hmms. “Is that a blood line limit?” 

“Yes, my whole clan can change into wolves. My size is really small compared to my parents. Oh and also as long as you don’t piss me off I won’t rip your head off” I blurt out. ‘Gosh I am so awkward’. 

Kakashi raises his eyebrow and walks to the couch. He indicates for me to follow him. We talk a bit more about my wolf form and I ask a few questions about what he can do. Apparently in a few months he will be partaking in the Jonin exams. ‘I wonder if I should join?’ My stomach rumbles loudly. 

Kakashi notices and looks to the kitchen. “I found some rice if you want to have some” Kakashi offers. ‘Wow, Kaka-baka is actually being nice’. “Kaka-baka?” Kakashi says quizzically foldings his arms giving me a hard stare. “Opps, I said that out loud?” scratching my cheek in embarrassment. 

He rolls his eyes and produces two bowls of rice. I start to eat mine and notice he hasn’t touched any. I grab my bowl and walk to the couch. Two minutes later I hear water running, I assume Kakashi finished and is washing his bowl. I gulp the rest down and do the same. I head back to my room to go to sleep. Before I close the door I hear Kakashi say, “tomorrow morning at 9am we have a meeting with team” “I know, thank you…… and um, good night Kakashi”. “…Goodnight Yori”. I close my door and blush. Thats the first time I heard him say my name. I feel my body go tingly. I go to my bed and lie down. A few seconds later my world goes black. 

Hey guys! What did you think? I possibly will try and do Kakashi's POV for the next chapter :)

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