Chapter 60 - The Kind Of Girl That Inspires Poetry

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Chapter 60 - The Kind Of Girl That Inspires Poetry

"Okay, how do I look?" I presented myself to Tara. She was lying on my bed staring at her phone, but she took a second to look at me.


"That's all I get? C'mon Tara, you're supposed to be giving me advice! Would my hair look better pulled back?"

The mirror was actually being friendly to me at the moment. I was feeling rather cute with my long, honey blonde hair all wavy. Gathering it together to simulate a ponytail, I looked at how the royal blue, laced-back dress looked with the change. Dropping my arms back down I squeezed my shoulders forward.

"This dress would look better if I had at least a little cleavage. Does the color go with my nose ring, or should I put in the silver one?"

"Why are you so worried about how you look tonight?" She put down her phone and rolled onto her side, propping herself up on an elbow. "You know Kala thinks you look absolutely gorgeous no matter what you wear."

"Well, I know that's what she says. Anyway, this is my favorite Shakespeare play ever performed as an opera, Kala's taking me out to a fancy restaurant beforehand...It's like my first 'adult' date with her. It's going to be so romantic! It'll be a challenge, but it might even top our especially romantic moment after game night a few weeks ago."

Tara's eyebrows raised. "Especially romantic moment? Game night? Why is this the first I'm hearing about this?"

"It was amazing, Tara! Kala stopped me on our walk home from that game night that Roy and Grizz always want us to go to. She recited an incredibly romantic quote in Hawaiian for me, then kissed me under a streetlight. It was the kind of kiss a girl dreams about. I still get a little dizzy when I think about it." Tara's phone came up and took a picture of me. "What are you doing?"

"Preserving this moment for posterity's sake. You look like a Disney princess swooning over her true love." She showed me the picture. My hands were clasped in front of my heart and I was staring off into nowhere with a goofy smile on my face. I took the phone from her and zoomed in on part of the pic.

"For chunk's sake, why are my boobs so freaking small?"

She took her phone back. "Analee, you're being very insecure tonight. Just think, Kala Fergusson has been touching herself while thinking about you for over a year. If that doesn't boost your ego, nothing will."

I considered that. "You guys have talked about...that?"

"And so much more, sweetheart." Then, reacting to the look on my face, "Relax. She only has wonderful things to say about you."

I knew I was blushing. I could feel the heat in my face and neck. I sat down to put on some eyeliner. "Still! It's weird to think about you two talking about me...and know..."

With her best look of faux innocence she said, "Talk about you...what?"

"Having sex!"

"Well, you know, once you've had sex with someone, talking about sex with them is no big deal."

I pulled the eyeliner pencil away from my eye and glared at her, jabbing the pointy weapon in her direction for emphasis. "I know you think it's funny to keep reminding me of that, but it isn't."

"Relax. I'm just teasing you." She held her palms up towards me. "We got drunk and she fingered me. It isn't like we really had sex."

"How is that not sex?"

"That's just foreplay to a straight girl. Third base...if that."

"Kala's bi. Why do you get to use a heterocentric definition of sex?" I scoffed. "Straight privilege."

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