07: Pretty Cute

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u sure udidn't forgetanything?

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u sure u
didn't forget

yes ma'am

it's cold rn
be careful
and wear padded


what now
Jeon Jungkook?

ur pretty cute
when you're acting

so what am
i when im not

hot as fuck

istg don't start
acting up

ur especially gorgeous
when i look up from
between ur

we're just
talking abt ur
sched earlier

ahahaha u
look cute, love

u know where else
ur cute?

alright, where?

on top of

and there
i thought ur
being serious

don't be upset
u are always
gorgeous in my

like you're the

i won't
exchange u
for anybody else

i will never
get tired of
looking at u

so don't be sad

I love you, babe

I love you more :(

I love you most

get lots of rest
when i come
back u gotta need
a lotta energy ;)

get lots of rest when i comeback u gotta needa lotta energy ;)

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