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"Tell me about yourself."

"What is your greatest strength?" 

"What makes you a better candidate for this position?"

The questions from the job interview repeatedly plays back in my brain. My answers were mediocre, to say the least. The typical cut-out ones you hear in TV shows and read in books. I had been so nervous that my mind went blank, and now I couldn't remember what I even said. 

I just sped through them, wanting to end the pain as quickly as possible, but now as I walk out of the interview room, all my prepared responses comes flooding back to me. I can suddenly think of so many better things to say instead of what I actually said. If only humans had the power to control time and go back, I would have overused that ability. 

The receptionist at the front desk gives me a friendly smile as I walk past her, so I politely do the same, trying not show what I was really feeling inside. I push the glass door and take a deep breath of the fresh air as I step outside. The warmth of the setting sun shines on my face and I am enveloped by the lingering heat. My black hair was already absorbing the warmth, making my scalp sweat. 

Freedom, I think to myself for a quick second before the wave of failure hits me. 

I let out a dejected sigh once the door shuts behind me. Guess that's another no-go. I'll have to go back to more job-searching when I'm back home. I cross the failed interview off my mental checklist as I make my way toward my second hand Toyota Corolla. 

The what-ifs continue in my head as an imagined scenario of a successful interview plays out. 

"Tell me about yourself," says the woman dressed in a pristine suit in front of me. She holds a ballpoint pen in her hand with my resume on the table as she looks at me, waiting for me to answer. 

My heart pounds loudly, the sound deafening, but I ignore it and open my mouth to speak. "I am currently a second-year student at Castaway University with a major in Business Administration. I volunteered a lot during high school and am currently working part-time as a tutor on campus. From those experiences, I have improved my customer service and communication skills."

She nods and quickly scrawls something on the paper before continuing. "What is your greatest strength?" 

"I have great time management," I start of with a confident smile. "I keep track of all my upcoming tests and deadlines. I rarely ever procrastinate and always turn in my assignments on time."

She nods again. "Great. And what makes you a better candidate for this position?"

"I believe I have the necessary skills and perseverance to work this position. Even though I may be unfamiliar with some of the software, I am confident that I will be able to teach myself how to use it and catch up in no time."

The woman scribbles something else on the paper before putting down her pen. "Alright, thank you for your time. That concludes our interview. You will hear back from us in a few weeks."  

We both stand up and she stretches her hand out to shake my hand. 

"Thank you," I say with a wide smile. "Have a good day."

I lock the car doors immediately after I get in and let out another sigh. If only that scenario was real. I insert the car key and start the engine before turning on the A/C to cool down the stuffy car. It was already October but it still felt too hot. 

I was just about to turn on my music when my phone rings. I take it out of my tote bag and groan when I see who's calling. [Mom]


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