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Melinda gives me a thumbs up for support before I make my way over to the meeting room. For some reason, I start to feel nervous the closer I get to my destination. What's wrong with me? It is just a tutoring session with my student. He may be a guy, but he's not the guy.

When I reach the door, I see him through the glass door and do my customary knock before entering. This time, he does not turn to look at who's coming in and just waits for me to sit down in front of him. I take note of a faded black backpack by his chair and the opened notebook on the table as I move toward my seat.

"Hello," I greet him in a friendly tone. "Glad to see you brought your materials today."

"Of course. I told you I would, didn't I?" Bryan smiles back at me. "I always keep my word."

I can't help myself from noticing his outfit when I sit down. It was another boyfriend look. A short-sleeve button up matched tucked in another pair of jeans. His hair was the same, looking very natural with minimal effort. I wish my boring straight black hair would as obedient.

"Awesome. Then let's get started." I lean forward a little to take a look at his notes. "Is that what you need help on for this session?" His writing was not super neat but fortunately it was legible. I couldn't stand the game of deciphering messy handwriting.


To my surprise, the two hours passed quickly. He was a quick learner, able to comprehend my explanations right away with hardly any follow up questions. I don't know how he ended up falling this behind. We were wrapping up before I knew it.

"Thanks for your help," Bryan says as he finishes putting all his things away. "See you Friday ."

"No problem, it's my job. See you then." I look back down at my laptop to type in my final thoughts on my notes for today's session, expecting him to leave when he speaks up again.

"Oh wait. Actually, can I have your phone number?" he asks, drawing me in with his mysterious brown eyes. "Just in case I need some emergency assistance. With an assignment," he adds.

I pause for a moment, trying to remember if the Tutoring Center's policy had a rule prohibiting tutors from exchanging their personal numbers with their students. "Hold on," I say, standing up. With my goldfish memory, I couldn't remember, but I didn't want to risk breaking any rules. I am sure Melinda or another tutor would know. "I need to confirm something first. Wait here." I walk around him, careful not to accidentally brush against him, and exit the room.

Melinda is helping someone at the front desk, but Michael sees me and I gesture for him to come over. Concern flashes in his eyes and he walks over.

"What's wrong?" he quickly asks. "Did he do something?" His body looked tense for some reason and ready to attack.

"No, no, no," I tell him reassuringly. "Why are you jumping to conclusions? I just needed to ask about the policy for the Center." I was relieved to see him relax a bit from my words.

"Which part?"

"Are tutors allowed to give their phone numbers away to students?"

"He asked for yours?"

"Yeah and I wasn't sure, so I came out to double check," I explain. "He's still waiting inside for me." I gesture at the door behind me.

"Oh. There isn't a rule against doing that," Michael affirms. "But are you sure about this? What if he's a stalker? Or what if he sells your number to shady people?"

I laugh lightly at his suggestions. "What did Bryan do to you for you to doubt him this much? Thought you didn't know the guy."

"I told you already. I don't feel good about him." His eyes flicker over to the door in distrust before looking back at me. "Call it overthinking or whatever, but you should still be careful. Also, since when did you give your phone number to people so easily? I remember you only gave me your school email until we talked for over a month before you trusted me."

"Yeah, you're right. That was then and this is now," I say. "He says it's for emergencies. When he needs help on something. If there's no rule prohibiting it, how can I reject him?" I was a terrible liar and just as bad as confrontations. "You know I can't lie for shit," I add in a low voice.

"Alright, since you really can't lie for shit, just tell him," he relents with a small smile. "But tell me immediately if you start receiving strange texts or pictures from him. I'll go after him."

"You're totally my knight in shining armor," I reply sarcastically, clutching my heart. "I feel so protected."

Michael ignores me, used to my nonsense, and says, "Go back in then. Don't keep him waiting."

I give him an "okay" sign and turn around to go inside. "I can give you my number but don't contact me unless it's really an emergency. I prefer to keep my interactions with my students within the meeting room."

Bryan is sitting back down again and looks up from his cell phone. "Yeah, I understand. Here." He holds his phone out to me with the screen unlocked and opened to the number keypad. "Can you type it in?"

I take it from him, avoiding any contact, and enter my number. I create a contact with it and type my name in as well. "Here." I hand it back to him.

"Thanks." He glances down at what I've done and gives a quick nod. "I'll get going then, bye."

"Bye," I wave awkwardly and watch him leave. Hope he never has to use that number and loses it, I think to myself.


I am working hard on maintaining my concentration on the chapter I am reading for a class when I notice the blinking blue LED light on my phone. Bored out of my mind reading about the opportunity cost and recessions, I reach for it right away. I need a break anyway.

It was a text from an unknown number. [Help]

I had a feeling I knew who it was but ask anyway. [Who's this?]

[Bryan] The text confirmed my suspicions. I jinxed it earlier by hoping he never contacted me.

I respond. [What do you need help with?] I couldn't see if he was typing since he didn't have a Samsung, so I had to wait. I tap my fingers impatiently on my desk, dying with curiosity.

[It's too long to type. Can I call you?]

A/N: Thanks for reading, hope you guys liked this chapter! Please vote/comment if you did! How do y'all feel about talking to people on the phone?

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