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"Since we have to work on it together, is it possible to meet outside of our sessions? Like somewhere quiet some time tomorrow?" He quickly adds in a rush, "I'll pay you for your time, of course."

There was nothing in the policy forbidding tutors from making more time for students outside of the Center. This could work. I didn't feel good about leaving him stranded on his paper with the impending deadline.

"Sure, that works with me." I pull my agenda in front of me and grab a pen, ready to add in what time and place we're meeting tomorrow. "What time do you want to meet? And where?"

"How about in the Student Union at 11?" The Student Union was a large two-story building with a food court, comfortable seats, study spaces, and mini theater for students to use.

"I have a class that ends at 11:15. How about 11:30 instead?"

"Okay, that works. Thank you so much for doing this, Ellie," he replies gratefully. "You're such a lifesaver."

"You're welcome. I am getting paid for my time, so it's not like I'm doing it for free," I remind him, downplaying it. "Don't forget to bring enough money to pay me," I add as a joke. I add in the time and place for our tutoring session tomorrow in my agenda.

He laughs softly. "You have a nice sense of humor. Don't worry, I'll even bring extra for tips."

I hold back a smile. His sense of humor was pretty fine too. "See you tomorrow then."

"Thank you again. You don't know how much this means to me."

I let myself smile this time, feeling proud of myself for being so helpful and kind. This was the rewarding feeling I enjoyed. "Bye now, I am a very busy person," I start to say in a serious voice, "and you went over time."

"Oh shit, sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I'll pay you for the minutes that I went over." I hear a rustling sound from his end. "I will write this down so I don't forget. I went three minutes over. I'll do the math and add that to tomorrow's payment."

"Bryan, I was just kidding," I say in amusement. "I guess you aren't too great at telling the difference between what's a joke and what's real either." It felt good to give him a hard time like he did for me the first day we met. Revenge can be so sweet.

"I'll apologize for that again if you want. Just don't change your mind about tomorrow."

"I'm over it. This makes us even then."

"I don't think we'll ever get even," he murmurs quietly under his breath. I don't think he knows I heard but I have great hearing. My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion, trying to figure out what he means by that, but I push it away. Maybe he was just talking to someone else? Or feeling immensely grateful for rescuing him? "I'll let you get back to your work, have a good night," he says, returning to his normal previous volume.

"Goodnight." I end the call and turn to Jenna who is already waiting. "Guess who is meeting Bryan for a tutoring session tomorrow?" I rush over to her and pretend to choke her. "All thanks to someone's great help."

"Sorry, Ellie," she pretends to choke out an apology. "At least you get some eye candy and some cash." Her eyebrows wiggle at me suggestively before she turns more serious. "How did it even lead to that anyway?"

I proceed to explain every dialogue from the phone call and finish with a tight smile. "And the end."


"Yeah, I don't know what vibes I am getting from him."

"He is weird." She crosses her arms over her chest in thought. "But I was right about him surprising you."

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