Chapter 2

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"Goodmorning Cassie," Ethan and Grayson said in unison as I walked out of my house.

"Goodmorning guys," I laughed.

Ethan, Grayson and I walked to school everyday since our houses were so close to it. Today was a Friday and I was happy because there was a football game tonight.

"Grayson, did you remember your jersey?" I asked.

Grayson nodded and took his jersey out of his bag. I was wearing his today to school because every Friday we had a school spirit day because of the football games. Usually I switched back and forth between Ethan and Grayson's jersey and sometimes I just wore a sweatshirt or shirt.

"Thanks," I smiled and grabbed it from him.

I quickly took of my sweatshirt and slipped the jersey over the black tank top I had on underneath.

"Alright, let's go," I said.

I had on the white jersey while Grayson had on his navy blue one. Ethan also had his navy blue jersey on.

"You look hot in my jersey," Grayson commented being the usual flirt that he is.

"Thanks Grays," I winked jokingly.

We got to school and I saw that our friends were already there. We had the same friend group. They were standing in a circle near my locker so we went over to them.

"Hey Liv! Hey Tay!" I said as I stood next to my friends Taylor and Olivia.

Olivia had long bleach blonde hair with brown eyes and Taylor had dirty blonde hair with green eyes. I was closest to the both of them out of our whole group besides Ethan and Grayson.

"Still want to go to the game tonight?" Taylor asked me.

"Yes I do! You guys can come get ready at my house and we can walk over," I suggested.

"Okay," they nodded.

Grayson overheard us and said, "hey can we walk with you?"

Our friend, Ryan, and Ethan both smirked.

"Sure. I don't care," I laughed.

The five minute bell rang telling us we had five minutes to get to homeroom. All of us separated to our home rooms.

The school day went by quick and we were now in last period. Grayson was in my class. It was our bio class. We sat next to each other because we got to choose our seats and we didn't know anyone else in the class.

All we learned about was photosynthesis and it was the most confusing thing ever. Grayson and I kept looking at each other and giving each other looks throughout the whole lesson. I honestly didn't get the topic.

The bell rang and the period was over so Grayson and I walked to our lockers.

"Isn't it the Breast cancer game tonight?" I asked him.

"Yep," he answered, "Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you, do you have a pink bandanna I could wear?"

"Yeah I do!" I said.

"Alright thanks," Grayson replied.

We got to our lockers and I found Olivia and Taylor while Grayson found Ryan and Ethan and we all walked home. I dropped my bag off at my house and we went to the Dolan's house.

"I'm soooo tired," I sighed.

"Sleep you loser," Olivia told me.

"Ha I would if none of you were here," I laughed.

"We should order pizza," Ethan suggested.

"Yesss pleasseee," I begged.

"Yes!!" Taylor shouted.

"Do it," Ryan said.

Ethan searched the number on his phone for the pizza place and ordered a plain pizza. It was three now and we had until around 6:30 to leave for the game so we were just going to hangout.

"Let's go in the basement," Grayson said as he started to walk down.

I followed Grayson down the stairs and sat next to him on the couch as the others came down.

"Hey Cass is sitting next to me. Now I can cuddle with her," Grayson smirked and began to put his arm around me.

"No bye," I said and pushed him away.

"Babe doesn't wanna love me today," Grayson sighed.

"Correct," I laughed.

Olivia sat next to me, then it was Ryan and Ethan, and then Taylor. I grabbed the remote and started to look through the channels. I found the movie, "She's The Man" and put it on. We all watched it while quietly talking about the drama going on with other people at our school.

"I'm going upstairs to get a water, does anyone want anything?" I asked as I got up.

They all shook their heads no so I just went up by myself to get one for me. There was one left in the fridge. I was too tired and didn't feel like going back downstairs so I walked upstairs to one of their rooms. Grayson's was first as you walked up so I went into his and laid in his bed. They didn't care if I slept here or anything so I decided to take a nap.

"Cassie what are you doing?" I heard.


"Cassss wake up."

I groaned and rolled over to see Grayson standing over me and staring.

"I was sleeping. That's what I was doing," I replied sarcastically in an answer to his question.

"Shut up," Grayson laughed, "everyone was wondering why you weren't coming back down so I came up to find you. It's been like twenty minutes."

"Well I was tired," I sighed.

The doorbell then rang indicating that the pizza Ethan ordered was here.

"I'll go get that," Grayson said and started to walk downstairs.

I got out of bed and followed him to the door. Grayson grabbed the money out of his pocket and opened the door. The pizza guy handed Grayson the food and Grayson handed him the money. I grabbed the box from Grayson and ran into the kitchen with it.

"The pizzas here guys!!" I shouted down into the basement hearing them all get up and start to walk up.

Grayson got the plates out of the cabinet for everyone and we all dug into our food.

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