Chapter 4 Spy Businesses and Final Battle

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I ain't done I'm playing on losing sleep to quench your thirsts and I was bored BUT STILL let's get going PLAY THE MOTHFUCCA INTRO!!!!!!!!!

We cut to seeing Pepper walking down to Tony's work shop and as she is walking down the stairs she sees broken and glass and then sees this.

We cut to seeing Pepper walking down to Tony's work shop and as she is walking down the stairs she sees broken and glass and then sees this

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Y/n: Father this would be easier if you just stopped moving so much. 

Tony: Ow! I designed it to for it to be taken off easiLY! Watch it!

Pepper: What are you two doing?

They stop what their doing and look over at Pepper with surprised looked on there faces.

Tony: Lets be honest this isn't the worst thing you caught us doing.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/n watching Naruto and making a force rasengan.                     (Ok time for a confession I don't know what happens until Tony tells pepper to go to stark industries so were gonna skip to that sorry please forgive my sins holy father)

We see Tony modifying the Mark 3 and Y/n with R2 looking over the ship that Jarvis is being uploaded into the ship. Pepper than walks in wondering what Tony needed her for.

Tony: Ah perfect look I need you to take this flash drive *Pulls out a flash drive* and plug it into Obadiah's computer.

Pepper: What? No Tony that's insane why would you want to get into his computer?!

Tony: Look I need to know if he was shipping the weapons over to Guillam alright no one has that kinda power in the company other than me and him.

Pepper: No I'm not gonna do this I'm not going to let your self get killed I quit. 

Tony: You stood by me all those years selling weapons killing people and when I want to change it you turn your back on me.

Pepper without saying anything goes and grabs the flash drive but before she goes Tony tells Y/n to go with her and to bring both of his lightsabers just in case. When they leave and get to stark industries building Pepper and Y/n make their way to Obadiah's office and as they enter they see it's empty.

Pepper: Ok you keep an eye out alright

Y/n nods and meditates and focus's on Obadiah's whereabouts. He then sees him making his way over to his office and Y/n estimates that they have a good 4-5 minutes till he gets to their location.

Y/n: He's making his way here were going to have to hurry.

Pepper: Alright almost done it's 90% downloaded.

Y/n then here's footsteps approaching and starts to worry if Obadiah comes inside the office than he would see them downloading the files and he would see Y/n. So thinking desperately Y/n looked at Pepper and used the to move the newspaper over the flash drive and gave her he's at the door look and she changed the tab as fast as she can, and as she gets done Y/n saw the door opening and force freezes it leaving him enough time for the flash drive to finish and Pepper hides it in her pocket as the force freeze fades out.

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