Chapter 3 First Flight and Fights

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Hello there my padawans and geniuses how y'all doing this chapter were gonna get more father son bonding time and both of them fighting some goons, anywho Imma shut up and get started with the chapter.

We cut to are two favorite engineers working on the flight stabilizers and Tony getting into his position, and Y/n holding the camera.

Tony: Ok day 11 test configuration 2.0 and for lack of a better option than Y/n your still on fire safety if you dose me again and I'm not on fire I'm donating you to a college.

Tony gives Y/n the thumbs up to start and Y/n nods his head and starts the recording.

Tony: Alright nice and easy seriously just gonna start off with 1% thrust capacity in 3 2 1 lets jam.

Tony then starts to hover off the ground for a little bit keeping his balance and then dropping to the ground after a little bit, and looks at the robot (I'm gonna name him handy) with the fire extinguisher.

Tony: Please don't point that at me your gonna me make me think I'm gonna catch on fire spontaneously.

Y/n: Why don't you put some kinda of water system in it?

Tony points his finger at him but nothing comes out but a sigh seeing a kid that thinks around the clock like him just makes him feel proud.

Tony: Ok lets bring it up to 2.5!  3 2 1

Tony the starts to float above the ground and float around the little work and starts to float above his cars and cause them to alarm and honk while Tony gets kinda of nervous and starts grunting while hovering.

Tony: This is not where I want to be not the car not the car.

As he was hovering Y/n was in awe he got to see the first to fly without a jet or plane just some arc type boosters and a butt load of coffee so much coffee. Tony stopped himself before hitting the wall and goes back to the starting area drops from his mini flight test. Handy then starts to aim the extinguisher at him.

Tony: Nah! ah ah ah! *He than looks at the camera and says* Yeah, I can fly.

We then cut to Tony and Y/n putting the final touches into his ship while R2 was downloading some files on the government so they can test Tony's suit and Y/n ship in peace.

Y/n: Alright everything looks great and in order

Tony: Before we go flying what do we do?

Y/n: Diagnostics test I'll be right behind you when where flying.

Tony gives his son a cheeky grin and goes upstairs to suit up while Y/n gets his head set (Watch clone wars 2003 where Anakin is flying his ship and you get what I mean) and R2 climbs aboard his ship and Y/n sits in the cockpit and starts the Diagnostics test.

Y/n: Alright testing engines, hyperdrive core, shields are up and hovering systems seem to be working correctly. R2 how is the air traffic right now? 

R2: *Beeps confidently*

Y/n: Alright perfect don't want to crash into anything. Father how are things on your end?

Tony: Doing good junior on my mark we go alright?

Y/n: Copy.

Tony: Ok 3

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