{Ch 1.5} My Past

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~ Y/N's POV ~
"Harlequin, do you love me?"
I asked, he turned a bright red with a shocked expression. "W-Why would you want to know?" Harlequin asked trying to avoid the question. "I dont know, I was just wondering. I mean, I dont know how it feels to fall in love but it just feels right when it's just us." I said looking up into the night sky. I look back at Harlequin to find him staring at me in thought. 'Well this is awkward, but he does look cute while in thought.' I slowly started to turn red, we didn't realize we were staring at each other until it started to rain. We started flying around to find somewhere to sleep for the night and found a spot.
We found a spot under a tree. I was squeezing the water out of my hair as I look over to see Harlequin taking off his shirt, I blush and look away. "Here take my sweater, it's dry." He said handing me his sweater. I noticed he had a top attached to his pants as I took the sweater. I was about to take my top off to dry when I realized we were both still in the same spot. "Uhhh, I'll change behind that tree." I said motioning to a tree. "Okay, I'll wait here..." Harlequin said trying to start a fire. I took off my clothes and put on his sweater, it already looked big on him but it was twice as big on me.
I found a tree branch to hung my clothes on it and walked out to find Harlequin with a fire. "Thanks for letting me borrow your sweater." I said going to sit next to him. "No problem, it's the least I could do I didn't keep you dry with chastiefol." He said with a smile. "It's fine, you were just looking out for yourself. Like you should." I said putting my hair in a bun. "Now, back to my question, do you love me?" I said moving to face him, he turned away extremely red. I heard him mumble something but I could make out what. "What?" I ask, he mumbled slightly louder. "Could you speak up Harle-" "YES!" Harlequin shouted cutting me off, I turn red. "Really?" I ask in shock. "Why wouldn't I?" Harlequin said with crossed arms and an embarrassed expression.
    "I'm a freak... Why would anyone care about me. I'm a demon I don't deserve love... I just deserve to burn in hell..." I said starting to cry. He stepped in front of me and grabbed my shoulders. "Y/N, don't say that about yourself! You're not a freak, you're beautiful and kind! No one deserves to be called a freak, especially you." Harlequin said shaking me gently but I wasn't listening. "Y/N... your perfect... perfect to me." He said as he lifted my face up to his with his finger. 'He's lying... I know it...' We stared at each other for a bit until he realized the fire was dying. "I guess we should sleep before this dies out. "You can sleep on chastiefol Y/N." Harlequin said while expanding chastiefol to my size. As soon as he finished expanding I grabbed his wrist and put him on chastiefol with me. "I have your sweater so I'll let you sleep on chastiefol too." I said as Harlequin turned bright red. "Are you sure?" "Of course!" I said with a closed eye smile. We lay down next to and facing each other in complete silence. "Harlequin do you promise to never leave me..?" I ask in need of reassurance. "Of course I do, I promise to always love you too." He said pulling me closer as I quickly give him a kiss on the cheek. "Good night Harlequin." I said closing my eyes. "Good night Y/N." He said kissing my forehead. After, we both fell asleep.
~ The Next Day ~
I woke up the next morning to see Harlequin still asleep next to me. 'I should bathe, my hair is full of rain water.' I got up and flew around to find some sort of lake, and I found one. I stayed in there for a bit and went back to Harlequin when I finished. I got there to find him still sleeping. 'He's so cute.' I hovered over him just watching until I realized if he woke up this would be extremely creepy. So I stopped and sat on a log next to Harlequin.
~ King's POV ~
     I woke up remembering everything that happened the night before. I look to my side to realize Y/N wasn't there, that's when I started to panic. 'Did I come off too strong' I sat up to see Y/N sitting on a log next to me, I let out a sigh of relief. 'That's a relief' "Good morning sleepyhead." Y/N said with a giggle, it was cute. I flew over to her and kissed her cheek, as I did she turned red. "H-Hey!" Y/N shouted in embarrassment. 'Cute' I laughed and gave her a wink. "Maybe I should kiss you more often if you keep reacting like that." I said. "Harlequin!" She shouted while punching my arm. "Well, let's head back before they get concerned." She said grabbing my hand. I blush and smile at her. We started flying back to our area only for me to be tackled by Helbram.
~ Y/N's POV ~
"Helbram! Get off of Harlequin!" I say trying to get him off. I heard Helbram whisper something to Harlequin that made him blush and frantically shake his head. "N-NO!" Harlequin shouted from, what seems to be, embarrassment. I got a sudden burst on energy and lifted Helbram off the ground. 'What how the hell did I just do that?' "Y/N!? You were never this strong before!" Helbram shouted in shock, I quickly put him down realizing what happened. "Y/N, how did you do that?" Helbram asked me while I helped Harlequin up. "Eh, well. What did you whisper to Harlequin?" I ask desperate to change the subject. I look back at Harlequin, he was extremely red. I noticed Helbram giving Harlequin the don't-tell-her-or-I'll-kill-you look. "Fine, don't tell me just don't kill Harlequin." I said glaring at Helbram.
After we got away I asked him again. "What did Helbram say to you?" "He'll Kill me if I tell you." Harlequin said turning red. "*Sigh* Tell me!" I pleaded. I kept pleading but he eventually gave in. "He asked me if I touched you in an inappropriate way..." Harlequin said avoiding eye contact, I turn bright red. 'Did he ask if we had sex!? What the hell Helbram!?'
~ Time Skip (100 Years) ~
These next 100 years have been the best years of my life. Harlequin and I dated in secret, also Elaine and Helbram trusted us enough to leave us alone. Harlequin and I were happy until he left the Fairy Kings Forest.
"Harlequin... do you have to leave..?" I ask trying not to cry. "Yes, Helbram said he would be back by now." Harlequin said facing the distance. "Then take me with you!" "I need you to stay here and help Elaine, Y/N" Harlequin said facing me. "B-But what if you don't come back..? You promised never to leave me..." I said starting to cry. Harlequin slowly floated over to me while taking out the string from his sweater and tying it around my wrist. "This way I can always be with you." Harlequin said while taking out two strings. I could feel him doing something with my hair. "You can take these out when I come back." Harlequin said with a smile, I noticed he tied my hair in high pigtails. I've always hated having my hair in pigtails but I was willing to keep it like this. "I have to go now, I love you Y/N." He said kissing me for the last time.
~ Time Skip ~
It has been quite a few years since Harlequin left. Im basically am housing with Elaine also warning her if I see any bandits. We switch out from attacking the bandits and warning the other. And, like I said, I never took my hair out of pigtails. Life was okay then a strange man came to the fountain of youth.
"Elaine, there's a new bandit." I said flying towards her. "If it's that guy with a bandana I'm going to scream." "No, we've never seen this one before." I said as a tall man with pale blue hair jumped onto the tree. Elaine kept blasting him off over and over again.
(You can control vines)
It kept on going and going so eventually it was time for us to switch roles. So it was just me and this bandit, I was already sick of him so I trapped him in vines. "Okay... Listen to me..." I said slowly floating towards him and grabbing the collar of his jacket. "Back off, you're not getting the fountain of youth." I said in a serious tone and I continued. "This is the life of the forest, I can't lose this for anything or anyone." I said softening my tone of voice remembering Harlequin and all of our moments together. "Okay, I'll leave." He said as if surrendering. 'Yeah right. Now what are you thinking?' I called over Elaine to read his mind. "Y/N release him." Elaine said as a command. "Okay." I said as I released him ready to catch him again if he tried anything.
Ever since that day he, as I later learned his name was Ban, had stayed in the forest with us for quite some time. I noticed that Elaine and Ban really liked each other, I mean Ban and I were really close but they seem to really like each other ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
I was sitting on a branch looking for other bandits when Ban came out of nowhere. "Y/N can I tell you something?" "Yeah, what's up?" I ask. "Can you not tell Elaine this." He asked with a small blush. "Yeah." "I love Elaine..." Ban said rubbing the back of his neck. "I knew it. She loves you too." I said as his face lit up. "Really!" He asked. "Of course. Why would I lie?" I said looking over at Elaine. "I'll let you two have your alone time~." I said with a wink. Ban started to blush as I flew away to leave them alone. I flew over to a tree and slept there for the night.
I woke up the next day to the smell of smoke. I opened my eyes and all I see is fire. I was paralyzed in fear and shock. I managed to escape the forest and waited for the fire to die out. When it finished, I went to the fountain of youth and found Elaine's dead body. I started to cry knowing all Harlequin wanted was for me to protect Elaine and I couldn't do that. That's went I noticed a red demon next to me already dead and Ban was nowhere to be seen. Then I saw 5 of my old bullies. "Get away from me... I'm not in the mood" I said clenching my teeth and fists. "Well we are. You summoned this demon and destroyed the forest!" One of them yelled. I got up quietly and turned towards them. "I'm not dealing with your bullshit anymore." I said with a death glare as I impale 3 of them with my vines leaving the others in fear. I could hear someone behind me whisper "I knew you were a pure demon." Before everything went dark.
The next thing I know, I'm in handcuffs surrounded by holy knights. "Where I'm I going!?" I yell at one of the knights. "To prison, charged with the sin of despair" he replied. 'Sin of despair? What did I do!? Those flipping assholes turned me in with some bullshit lie' "What did I do?" I ask for answers. "You summoning a demon and out of pure sadness of the demon killing your friend you killed innocent fairies. And destroyed the Fairy Kings Forest." He said with a disgusted tone. 'I never did that, it really was a bullshit lie...' I clenched my teeth. That went I noticed my hair was down, the strings holding up my hair was gone.
'I'll find more strings for my hair. I'm sorry Harlequin...'

'I failed you'

Word Count; 2101

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