{Ch 5} Adjustments

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~ Y/N's POV ~
"Hey, can we talk?" Diane asked. "Sure." "I-I.... you... King..." Diane started to mutter. "Okay, you know what never mind." Diane said walking away. 'Okay that was weird.' I went to sleep and forgot about it.
After that night, I had gotten used to this. I never talked to King, I hung out with everyone else, I would work. It had sadly become my new normal.
~ Time Skip (Almost a Month) ~
I heard another knock at my door. I opened it to Diane again. "Diane? Why are you here again?" I asked, I was tired from work. "I actually need to talk to you." She said walking and sitting on my bed. I sat next to her. "Do you still love Harlequin?" She said clenching her dress, my wings lowered.
'I don't love him anymore and he doesn't love me.'
"No." I said as I realized she was crying. "Diane ! What wrong!? Did I do something!?" I asked in panic. "No, it just." She said wiping her tears away. "I'm jealous of you! I wish I had the relationship with Harlequin like you! Sometimes I wish I wasn't a giant! I wish I was as pretty as you!" Diane started to cry, I've never been in this situation before so I didn't know how to react. "Diane, stop!" I shouted, she looked up at me. "You're envious of me? I'm envious of you! Harlequin loves you, you're pretty, you're fun." I started to list off things about her when she smacked me.
"Snap out of it! You can list off so many things about me and I can do the same for you. We're woman, it's normal to be envious of each other." Diane said with a hand on my shoulder. "Look, Harlequin hasn't talked to you because I told him not to. I was so jealous of your relationship I didn't want him near you." Diane said with a disappointed tone. "I was laying in bed with him and I heard him whisper 'good night Y/N' to himself." I stumbled back.
'Why would he...'
"Are you sure? Why would he do that?" I asked. "Because he misses you, he hasn't seen you in years and when you finally see each other I just separated you two again." Diane explained.
"It isn't your fault Diane. Why did you even want to tell me this?" I asked. "To apologize, I'm sorry I did that to you and Harlequin." Diane said looking down. "It's fine, you should head to sleep." I said giving her hug. "And don't slap me." I said as Diane walked out. "Oh, *chuckle* sorry." Diane said leaving. I gave a small laugh after she left.
'Does that mean I can see and talk I to King again?'
I look over to the flowers. "Let's find out." I said out loud.
~ King's POV ~
I woke up that morning to see Diane on the other side of the bed.
I leaned over and kissed her forehead. I went downstairs and saw Y/N making breakfast.
'She's never up this early.'
I quickly hide behind the stair railings before she could see me. "Hello?" Y/N asked. I didn't know if Diane was okay with us talking but at this point I didn't care anymore.
I floated over Y/N and hugged her from behind. "EH!" Y/N yelped in surprise. "It's just me, King." I said to reassure her. "King!?" Y/N dropped the pan she had and turned to hug me back. Then she slapped me, I fell to the floor from the impact. "OW!" I shouted rubbing my cheek. "Sorry, but you haven't talked to me in weeks." Y/N said with her arms crossed.
'There's her temper.'
"Okay fair enough." I said getting up, Y/N gave me a sweet smile.
'I forgot about how beautiful your smile is.'
Y/N turned red. "EH, DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD!?" I shouted turning red. "Anyways." Y/N said handing me a plate of food. "Where's Diane?" She asked as I took the plate. "She's still asleep." I said going to sit down. Y/N grabbed a plate and sat next to me. "Oh, okay." Y/N said starting to eat. Then Ban walked down the stairs. "Y/N? Your never up this early." Ban said in surprise. "I know, I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep." Y/N said with a nervous chuckle. "Also, when did you and King talk?" Ban asked, Y/N and I look at each other. "A few minutes ago." I answered looking back at Ban. "Hey Y/N, do you want to head to town again?" Ban asked Y/N.
'Since when did they go to town...'
"Sure, King do you want to go with us?" Y/N asked looking at me, I wasn't expecting her to ask. "Are you sure?" "Of course! Right Ban." Y/N said. "I don't mind." Ban said with a smile. "I'll go with you."
After we all ate we left. It had been so long since Y/N and I talked. "King look!" Y/N shouted running towards a small cat. Y/N bent over and picked it up while I started petting it. "It looks like the cat that beat you in fight." Y/N said in a teasing manner. "Shut up!" I shouted in embarrassment.
'One time, that cat was bigger.'
"Hey, that my kitty." A little boy said to Y/N. "Oh, here" Y/N said handing the cat over to the little boy. "Thank you miss!" He boy said running off. We both smiled. "Where's Ban?" Y/N asked looking around.
'Why would she care...'
"I don't know. Maybe he went back to the tavern." I look over at Y/N with a concerned look. "Ban can handle himself, he's fine." I said hoping to reassure her, she sighed. "Okay, let's continue." Y/N said moving a piece of hair behind her right ear.
'Why did she start covering her left eye?'
We continued walking around, eating and window shopping, when we realized it was already night time. "We should head back to the tavern." I said tapping Y/N's shoulder. "Hm, probably." Y/N said flying upwards. That when I noticed how pretty her wings were.
'Favorite/Color wings, the shape remains me of a butterfly.'
"King, let's go." Y/N said grabbing my hand and flew over the tavern slowly. "Sorry, I got distracted." I said as Y/N let's go of my hand. "By what?" Y/N asked, I started to panic. "U-Uh... I-It was your wings." I said facing away. "What's so fascinating about them?" Y/N asked, I look over to see Y/N staring at her wings. "I don't kno- WAIT!" I shout and grabbed her wrist before she ran into a wall. "Be careful Y/N!" I said shaking her. "Sorry, but seriously what's so interesting about my wings?" Y/N asked as she fluttered her wings a bit. "I don't know, it's just... I don't have mine." I said crossing my arms. It was silent for what felt like an eternity.
"Remember what you told me all those years ago?" Y/N said braking the silence. "What?" "No? 'You don't need wings to fly.' Remember." Y/N said, I remember. That's when our relationship first started. "Yeah, I remember." "The same applies to you King." Y/N said with a smile. "Don't feel bad about something you can't control." I gave a small chuckle. "You're right." "What's so funny?" Y/N asked. "I used to comfort you about wings and now you're doing it to me." I said with a smile, Y/N gave a smile. "We should head back." I said floating to the tavern, she followed.
We got back to the tavern to everyone was drinking there. Y/N and I look at each other remembering what happened last time we both drank. "I'll just to bed." Y/N said walking up the stairs. "I will too." I said following her. We stopped at her bedroom door. "Uh, thanks for going to town with me." Y/N said with a closed eye smile. I noticed on a table in her room was the flower a gave her, I smiled. "Thanks for forgiving me, good night Y/N." I said floating away. "Good night... Harlequin." Y/N whispered but I could hear.
'She hasn't called me Harlequin since we first reunited, then I told her to stop.'
I went up to my room, took my sweater off and got into the bed. Since Diane wasn't there with me, I had the time and silence to think. I look down at my wrist with the string, it was the string I used to tie up Y/N's hair, tied around it. I can remember the pain I felt when I only found string in the Fairy Kings Forest. I felt different, the feeling is memorable but I don't know what it is.
'I haven't felt this way since Y/N put her head against my chest, years ago.'
I put my hand where she rested her head. I stayed like that until I fell asleep.
~ Y/N's POV ~
I woke that morning remembering what happened yesterday, I immediately smile as I remember. I got up, dressed into uniform and went down stairs. I saw the mess everyone left last night, I sighed knowing I had to clean up. So I started cleaning when I saw Elizabeth come in for the day. We finished cleaning, let Ban get ready to cook, Meliodas came down to supervise and we opened. It was a typical work day, I got hit on once or twice and gave Hawk tons of scraps, after Diane started working I was able to talk to her with her being passive aggressive.
After work, I immediately went to bathe since I spit ale on myself. I found one, did what I need to do, and flew back. I let my hair down to dry when I saw Gowther walking to the lake and I went to say hi. "Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, Gowther turn around to see me. "Hello Y/N, I was just going on a walk." "Oh, would you mind if I tagged along?" I asked. "No, being with you may be educational." Gowther said adjusting his glasses. "Educational?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "I don't know you or your power as much as everyone else's." "Oh, I could show you some tricks." I said putting my hair up. "Okay."
I began to show some tricks. Like vine bulwark, where I create a hollow circle for a shield, and Vine strap, a long vine with tons of thorns similar to a whip. Gowther was just observing. "You do have the potential to be one of the Seven Deadly Sins." Gowther said as I finished. "Really?" "Yes, you have the possibility to surpass Diane or Merlin." Gowther said as we started to walk back. "I doubt it, but thanks anyway." I said with a smile. "If you were to train it would be guaranteed to surpass them." Gowther said looking with me. "Well, I don't know." I mumbled.
'I really doubt it. Both Merlin and Diane are quite powerful.'
"I'll stay here, you may go back to the tavern." Gowther said making me stop thinking. "Oh okay, bye Gowther!" I said flying away. As I was flying to the tavern all I could think about was what Gowther said. I kept thinking about it until I got to the tavern.
"Hey Y/N!" Diane said running up to me. "Do want to go on a double date!" I froze. "But I don't have a boyfriend." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Really, I thought you and Ban were together." I got a slight tint of red in my cheeks as she said that. "Nope, he has someone else." I said thinking of Elaine. "Huh, I genuinely thought you two were together. You both go to town together, you've eaten at restaurants together and I saw him give you a flower." "Nope, I could convince him to go. And we could just go as friends." "Do you think he would." Diane asked with a surprised look. "If I tried." I said with a wink.
And that's exactly what I did. I managed to convince Ban to go, I put on a dress and went out them.
It was actually very fun

Word Count: 2100

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