{Ch 6} Hunting

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~ Y/N's POV ~
I got back from the night out and I felt like collapsing. I took out my hair, changed into comfortable clothes and went to sleep. Before I fell asleep, I looked over at the vase with the flowers and smiled.
I woke up that morning and changed. After went downstairs to find Diane already down there cleaning. "Diane? You don't work during the day." I said rubbing my eye to wake up. "Oh, Elizabeth isn't here today so I'm working all day." Diane said with a smile and I smile back. "Okay, let's go!" I said as Diane and I quickly get ready to open. We started working when I remember what Gowther told me.
"You do have the potential to be one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Yes, you have the possibility to surpass Diane or Merlin."
Hearing those words were odd. "Maybe if I trained..." I mumbled under my breath. "Shortie!" Ban shouted for me to deliver some food while snapped me out of thought. "Sorry." I said picking up the plate of food.
I stopped working mid day because Elizabeth ran in asking to switch with me. I didn't know what to do since I never finished working midday I didn't know what to do. I went outside the tavern and sat there.
'Maybe I could train, like Gowther said.'
I hesitated for a bit. I got up and went into the woods. Since I didn't know how to train, I just practiced attacks on tree. I had been hitting a tree and it looked like I did absolutely nothing but I was exhausted. I kept trying and trying, I was starting to get pissed. "Okay I give up!" I said giving one last hit to the tree. But when I turned around I saw I obliterated the tree.
'What the hell.'
I started to hit more trees, obliterating each one. When I stopped I noticed it was night time. I flew back to the tavern noticing how energy draining it is to fight.
When I got back I went right up into a room and collapsed onto the bed. After a tiny bit I felt like I was being picked up. I look up to see a blurred Diane. "Diane..?" I asked in a very groggy way. "Y/N, you're in my room." Diane said with a chuckle. I was dumbfounded. "Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention to which room I was in!" I said while moving my hands in and nervous manner. "It's fine, I saw what you were doing. You should be tired." Diane said putting me in my bed. "Sorry again, but good night." I said as Diane turned. "Good night." Diane said closing my door. I fell asleep shortly after.
~ Time Skip ~
On our next day off, Meliodas called everyone downstairs. "Okay, we need more meat for food so we're all going hunting." Meliodas said with a smile. "Why can't we just buy some at the stores?" I asked. "Because Captain and I never finished our competition last time." Ban said looking at Meliodas. "You better not do what happened last time we went hunting King." Ban said looking at King. I look at King and tilt my head in confusion. "*sigh* I took a nap instead of helping." King said rubbing the back of his neck, I give out a quiet giggle. "Y/N go with him to make sure he doesn't again." Meliodas said looking at me. "I can handle myself Captain!" King shouted in embarrassment. I gave out a slightly louder giggle.
King and I went out to find food but we couldn't find anything. "Okay, either everyone else has killed everything here or we actually suck at this." I said looking in a bush. "We just suck at this." King said looking in the trees. "Urg, I swear to Supreme Deity." I said getting annoyed.
We spent hours looking for animals. It felt like it took an eternity to catch and kill any animals. Since King is weak physically and I don't know what I'm doing, it was extremely difficult to catch anything, including the fact that King didn't want to get off of chastiefol the whole time. But we were able to find a few rabbits.
"Okay, it's not a lot but we tried." I said with a clap. "How many do we have?" I froze. "Let's head back!" I said avoiding the question. "Okay where is that?" King asked as I got up. "It's over..." I said looking for the way to the tavern. "oh fu-" "Y/N, language."
'Well crap.'
I flew up to see if I could find the tavern, I didn't. "Okay we are lost." I said flying back down to King, he sighed. "Should we stay here and search in the morning or search now?" King asked. "Can we wait until morning..?" I asked gathering sticks. "Okay, let's start a fire." King said trying to start a fire. We made a fire while we sat on a log in silence.
"Hey King, you know how you left to go find Helbram." "Yeah." "Where is he?" I asked turning towards him. King froze. "I didn't find him..." King said looking away.
'Yeah right'
"No really." I kept trying to get him to talk but he didn't King sighed. "I can't tell you." I was slightly hurt. "Okay." I said looking down. After a couple minutes of even more silence, I felt something tilt my face up.
It moved my face towards king, our eyes met. "K-King what are you doing..?" I asked getting I tiny bit uncomfortable. I could see King starting to turn red. Then he moved the hair covering my left eye behind my ear. I started to get an odd feeling. King started to lean in, I tried to back away but before I could our lips met. I knew this was wrong but it felt amazing, almost as good as the first time. But I pulled away first with a bright red face. "K-King... why did you-" then King realized what happened "IM SO SORRY Y/N! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" King shouted cutting me off. "It's okay, just don't say this happened to anyone." I said in an authoritative manner. That when we both noticed our fire was dying. "Is that a sign that we should head to bed?" I asked trying to stop blushing. "I guess, you can sleep on chastiefol." King said making chastiefol my size. "History is repeating itself, you can sleep on here with me King." I said sitting on chastiefol. I saw King turn a slight pink, he sighed.
'He knows I won't give up that easily.'
He took off his sweater and floated onto chastiefol right next to me. "Well, good night." I said laying down. "Night." King said.
We laid there in silence again. But I felt something wrap around my waist. My back was originally facing King. I look down to see King's sleeves, he was spooning me. I start to turn red. "King." I whisper, no response. "King." I whisper slightly louder. Then I noticed he was asleep.
'Maybe it's a reflex. He probably does this with Diane so it probably became routine for him.'
I tried to get out of his grip only for his grip to tighten. I sighed, I soon fell asleep in that position.
~ King's POV ~
I woke up to see myself very close to Y/N. Then I noticed I was spooning her. I hesitated letting go, I stayed like that for a minute but I let go. I could feel my nose start to bleed. But Y/N turned towards me, she was almost straddling me. I turn a bright red and try to move away but she would always manage to get to me. I was about to get out of her grip when she clenched my shirt and I swore I could hear her mumble something. I lean closer to hear better. "... please, don't leave me..." she mumbled. I slowly move back but she was still straddling me with her head in my neck. I didn't mind, we laid like that for a bit and I liked it. I wrapped my arms around her waist and closed my eyes. After a bit, I don't know why, I began to rub her thigh. I could hear her moan very quietly.
'Wait what am I doing!?'
I quickly take my hand away, I noticed Y/N had a smile and was very red. Then she started to laugh, I'm very confused. Then she sat up still laughing, I tried to sit up but she was still straddling me. "Were you awake the whole time!?" I shouted in embarrassment, I started to turn red. "What do you mean the whole time?" She asked tilting her head to the side. "I woke up right before you started to rub my thigh." Y/N said turning red. "You didn't do anything else to me did you?" Y/N asked pointing at me. I turn even redder and shake my head in panic. "NO!" I shouted.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "No, I should've told you that I was awake before you started doing that." Y/N said looking away.
'She never lets me take blame for something that's my fault.'
We started to go back and forth in blame. Then we both noticed the position we were in. We both look at each other then look at the position. Be both quickly turn red. Then Y/N quickly got off of me while apologizing profusely. "L-Lets go look for the t-tavern." I said getting off of chastiefol.
~ Y/N's POV ~
We started flying around, to find the tavern, in complete silence. I didn't want to make this awkward but it was already extremely awkward.  "King, why did you start spooning me last night?" I asked.
'That was probably the worst thing I could've asked.'
King turned towards me, with a slight pink. "I don't know." "I thought you did it with Diane so often you did it out of reflex." I said looking around. King looked down in thought. "I don't do that with Diane." I was confused. "Then why did you do it?" "I could ask you the same, I tried to stop but you straddled me." I started to turn red. "I only stayed like that because you didn't want me to leave." King said floating in front of me. "Hmph, I didn't say that." I said crossing my arms. "Okay let's just stop talking about it." King said rubbing the back of his neck. "Fine, how about the kiss." King froze. "That didn't mean anything..." King said turning even redder. "Just, don't talk about it." I said moving my hair to cover my left eye.
King stopped me from flying any further. "What?" "Why did you start covering your eye." King said almost cutting me off. I froze. "This thing." I said lifting the hair to show my scar. "You don't need to do that, you're beautiful either why." King said with a smile. "No I'm not, I hate this thing and I don't want anyone to see it." I said covering it again. "Please, I miss seeing both of your eyes." King said trying to move my hair. "I'm not changing my mind." I said flying away.
We eventually found the tavern with everyone worried sick.
"We are back!" I said opening the door. Diane immediately went to hug King while Meliodas was eyeing me.
'Shi- Crap, I know what this means.'
I closed my eyes for Meliodas to start groping me so I could punt him across the room. But I didn't feel him touch me. I open my eyes to see King's chastiefol, second configuration, Guardian blocking Meliodas.  I look over to King, he looked pissed.
'I've never seen him like that before.'
I felt someone hug me, I turn to see Ban. "Shortie, where were you!?" Ban exclaimed lifting me off the floor. "We both got lost so we slept there for the night." I said with a sigh as Ban puts me back on the floor. "Well, if you were lost hunting. Where are the animals you got?" Diane asked looking at me, my eyes widen. King and I look at each other.

"We left them where we slept...
Didn't we..."

Word Count: 2089

My Sunflower {King x Reader} SDSWhere stories live. Discover now