{Ch 3} Our Awkward Celebration

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~ Y/N's POV ~
I had been with the sims for a couple days and I've started to trust everyone there and they did with me. I was beginning to get worried that I would end up going with my routine, for the first time I didn't want to do that. So I thought if my suspicion of being a sin was correct then I couldn't leave. So, I decided to ask about it.
I was in the bathroom looking at the mark of a raven on my wrist. 'I hate this thing' when I heard a knock on the door. I jumped back from the surprise then I heard a voice on the other side. "Lady Y/N, are you okay" Elizabeth asked on the other side. "Yeah I'm fine." I said opening the door. "Okay" Elizabeth said with a smile.
I walked down the stairs to see everyone just talking. So I walked over to Merlin. "Hey Merlin. Can you tell me what this is?" I asked taking off my glove and showing the mark. She looked shocked, she immediately looked over to Meliodas and motioned to come over here. Meliodas walked over and looked at my mark and looked as shocked as Merlin. 'Why is everyone so shocked?' "I didn't think she existed." Merlin said to Meliodas. "What?" I asked in confusion, they looked at me with a stern look. "You know we are the seven deadly sins." "Yeah?" "Everyone here as committed a sin, have you?" Meliodas asked me. I look down in shame from what happened. "Yeah..." I said looking back up at them. Merlin and Meliodas started to whisper to each other. Then Diane walked over to me. "What's going on here Y/N?" Diane asked, I shrugged. "I was asking about this." I replied showing her my mark. It was silent until I spoke my mind.
"Am I a sin like you?" I asked as Meliodas and Merlin gave me a relieved look. "Thanks, so we didn't have to tell you." Meliodas said rubbing the back of his neck. Then *cough* KING *cough* came over in shock. "You committed a sin!?" He asked shaking me. "Yes and so have you." I said slightly annoyed from him shaking me. "But I thought there were only seven of us." Diane said in confusion. "Well, when we originally gathered together there was supposed to be eight of us. But we gave up on finding Y/N because it was always one village to another, so we believed she didn't exist." Merlin explained as Ban and Gowther joined the conversation. "If I knew this would've happened I would have taken Y/N with me out of the forest." Ban said ruffling my hair, I slowly lift his hand off my head and playfully punch his arm. "I knew the whole time, her memory proved that to me. But I assumed we all knew." Gowther said adjusting his glasses. "What!?" Everyone else said in unison. "So does that mean I actually can stay here with no problem." I asked a little worried for Meliodas's answer. "Yep, time to celebrate!" Meliodas said with a smile, I was relived to hear that. Ban took out some ale and everyone drank, except King and I.
"W-Why *hic* don't you *hic* drink Y/N?" Ban slurred, literally everyone was drinking and slurring their words. Except Gowther, King and I, King and I because we didn't drink and the ale didn't affect Gowther for some reason. "I've been told I'm not the same when I drink but what about you King?" I asked. "Eh, I don't like drinking" "Please, it's a celebration. For me." I said taking an ale bottle handing it to King. I knew I could give a small guilt trip and he'll do it. "*sigh* Fine..." King said taking the bottle and drank.
Not long after he was extremely drunk, worse then Ban.
'Okay this is getting out of hand' As I was standing internally laughing at everyone King stumbled over to me. "Y/N~ *hic* Do you *hic* want a *hic* drink?~" King asked practically falling over to me. I started to laugh because I've never seen him drunk before. When he managed to get to me, he fell over holding out his hands to catch himself. "What are *hic* these? *hic* There squishy." King said while groping me, I was caught so of guard I didn't react.
After the seconds of shock started to fade it actually ended up feeling nice. "How come *hic* he can do it but I cant?" Meliodas complained. "Kiiiiing~ *hic* You should be doing that to me!" Diane started to complain, that when I realized what was happening. I slapped him off immediately after causing him to fall down, I think while he was doing that the ale wore off a bit. "H-Hey! That *hic* hurt!" King said rubbing his cheek, where I slapped him. "Well don't do that!" I said helping him off the floor. "I continued because you seemed to like it." King said while I has helping him, I drop him as I turn a bright red and cover my chest in a defensive manner. "OW! Stop dropping me!" King shouted, I think the ale finally wore off.
I gave out a small giggle by accident. "Hey! Don't laugh!" King shouted in embarrassment. "Why aren't you drinking Y/N, it's your celebration." King said handing me a bottle of ale. "I don't drink, sorry." I said putting my arms behind my head. "Come on, I did it." King said poking me with the bottle. I gave in a little later. "Okay fine. If I do something stupid, it's your fault." I said pointing at King.
I took a couple drinks and I felt great. I knew I was drunk, but I couldn't do anything. I was frozen in my head but I was actually talking and moving. 'This is why I hate drinking, it's like something takes control of my body as soon as I touch ale.' When it wore of I noticed I was on Kings lap but I couldn't move my body. I couldn't see much but I could see I was basically giving him a lap dance. 'WHAT THE HELL!? Stop!' I was yelling at myself to stop and I think I did but in the process of doing that I fell onto the floor. That's when the ale wore off. "Ow..." I said with a groan. That's when what happened fully sank in. "Oh goddess clan, I'm so sorry King!" I said turning red. "No, I told you to drink. It's my fault." King said helping me up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I repeated over and over, King gave laugh. "You don't need to apologize Y/N."
"*sigh* I'll just head to bed then, just don't do anything else stupid." I said walking up the stairs. I was on the balcony admiring the stars when I felt like someone was staring at me. I swiftly turn to see King on chastiefol staring at me, more admiring then staring. I let out a yelp and fall down from surprise. "KING!? WHAT THE HELL!?" I shouted as King fell off of chastiefol. "I thought you were still down there, drunk with everyone else." I said while getting up. "I don't drink, you could see how well that ended." King said while getting up, we both turn red. "It's not your fault, you get very weird when drunk." I said awkwardly. "I know, sorry about that." He said fiddling with his fingers. "I should be apologizing. I gave you a lap dance and made you drink." I said in sad tone. "I guess we both have apologizing to do." King said with a smile. "Don't worry, I'll just go to sleep." I said getting into bed. I hesitated getting into bed, I turn to see King taking of his sweater and expanding chastiefol to his size. I started to feel guilty for keeping the bed to myself, even if he offered it. "Hey, King. You can sleep on the bed with me." I said as he turns towards me with a red face. "A-Are you sure?" King asked hesitantly, I nodded my head. He flew over to the bed and started to get into the bed when we heard the door open.
"What are *hic* you doing? I thought *hic* I told you not to have fun in here." Meliodas slurred, King and I immediately turn red. "MELIODAS! GET OUT!" I shouted in anger. "Okayyyy, but *hic* no fun." Meliodas said while leaving the room.
We laid on the bed in complete silence for what felt like an eternity. "Sorry about Captain, he's an idiot sometimes." King said braking the silence. "No it's fine, I've dealt with tons of people like that before." I said while turning to face him. "Really?" King said turning to face me. "I mean when you work at multiple taverns you learn some things." King smiled. "So, what have you been doing for all these years?" He asked caressing my cheek, I turn red then take his hand away. "I've just been hopping from village to village for a couple years, until I heard a major battle broke out here and I wanted to see it." I explained, King looked at me and opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it right after. "What?" I asked, King looked very hesitant to say anything but gave in.
"Did you fall out of love..?"
That caught me extremely off guard but I did answer. "I mean yes because I told myself a promise is a promise." I said moving to sit up, he did the same. "But seeing that you're in love with Diane, the process of it already finished a while ago. It was hard though." I said with a smile. "... I'm sorry Y/N..." King said with a sigh. "It's fine you can't control what your heart tells you King." I said ruffling his hair, it looked like he was going to say something else but I spoke before he could. "Well good night." I said laying back down. "Good night Y/N." King said with a smile. We both fell asleep not long after.
~ The Next Day ~
(It takes place in Seven Deadly Sins Signs of a Holy War, episode 3. Except King remembers what happened)
King was already gone when I woke up, I went downstairs to help Elizabeth clean up from the celebration yesterday. "Where did King go princess Elizabeth?" I asked picking up a few bottles. "I told you, you can call me Elizabeth. But he went chasing Diane." Elizabeth said wiping a table. 'I guess what I said last night was true, I don't love him anymore.' I nodded. I changed into uniform and worked with Elizabeth in the tavern for the rest of the day.
Later that night Diane came in to take over Elizabeth's shift and King was with her. "Hi guys!" I said handing out some ale to some customers. Diane started her shift with me and I stopped mine shortly after. I went to my room to see King talking to Oslo excitedly. "Don't you seem excited." I said with a yawn, he turns around in an excited expression.
     As I was taking out clothes to change into, King hugged me out of nowhere. I let out a small yelp from the surprise. "DIANE LIKES ME BACK!" King shouted hugging me tighter. "Congrats!" I said hugging him back. "Are you okay with that?" He asked while braking our embrace in a worried tone. "Of course I am" I said with a smile. "We're over. Oh that was a little forward, it just came out like that" I said with a giggle, King laughed with me. "Well, look away I'm going to change." I said turning him around. "Oh sorry, I was just excited." King said rubbing the back of his neck. I changed out of uniform, put my hair out of pigtails and tapped King's shoulder signaling I was finished. "Well, let's head to bed." I said with a smile. We get into bed together and waited in silence. "Is Diane going to get mad if we sleep in the same bed?" I asked while we faced each other. "No, even if she does I'll deal with it." King said smiling, he lays on his back with his hands behind his head. "Good night Y/N!" "Night" I said with a smile.
'Good for him.
I knew I wasn't good enough for him anyways.'
Word Count: 2112

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