{Ch 4} Everthing is Changing

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~ Y/N's POV ~
  I woke up the next morning to see King was already up. 'King's going to be busy because Diane. That's okay, I at least get to see him every night.' I got up, changed and walked downstairs to eat. At the end of the staircase, I heard Diane yelling. "Well, why didn't you just ask to sleep with me!?" Diane yelled, King yelled back. "I'm sorry but don't blame Y/N! It's my fault, I didn't ask you. Y/N even asked about how you would feel!" King yelled, I had never heard him raise his voice in anger before.
     I didn't want to hear them argue, especially about me. I walked down with a loud yawn to get their attention. "*yawn* Good morning." I said rubbing one of my eyes. Diane immediately ran over to me and stood over me. "Y/N... you didn't do anything last night, did you?" She asked with a passive aggressive tone. "No, why?" I said innocently. "Oh nothing!" Diane said grabbing King's arm. As King turned red, I gave out a giggle. "H-HEY!" King said in embarrassment. "I'll make breakfast, what do you want?" I said walking into the kitchen. "King and I are going out today." Diane said with a huff. "Wait we ar-" King said before Diane grabbed him and walked out. "Oh, okay bye!" I said, but they left before I could finish. 'I really can't see him through out the day. Diane used to be one of my best friends but now she's so stuck up.'
I made breakfast for everyone and started working with Elizabeth. Diane nor King have come back. 'I thought they were only out for breakfast.' We worked for quite a bit when a man started to hit on me. "Hey~ We can *hic* skip this boring place *hic* and have some fun~" He said, I wanted to yell so bad but I couldn't for business. "Sorry Sir, but I'm not interested." I said with a forced smile. "Well~ *hic* Why not *hic* cutie?" He said starting to caress my cheek, I took his hand away and looked over to Meliodas for help. "*Cough* Sir I need you to exit, before I call security." Meliodas said stepping between me and the man. "So what?" He said standing up ready to fight. "It's your funeral. Ban!" Meliodas yelled. Ban slowly staring walking to the man. "So, do you want to harass her  again." Ban said in a threatening tone. The man stubbles back and I see a spear pick him up and out the door. All three of us look in confusion of what happened then I felt someone ruffle my hair. I turn to see King with a smile. "Be more carful Y/N." He said floating away. 'The hell..?' Ban turned around to me and I flew up to his level. "When will you stop getting into trouble? This is the fifth time in two days." Ban said with an oddly annoyed and concerned tone at the same time. "I dont know, they can resist all this~" I said giving a hair flip as a joke. "Understandable." Ban said walking back to the kitchen. I look over to see Meliodas talking to Elizabeth so I flew away to find King, knowing they wouldn't noticed.
I flew some more to find King by a lake. I go down to the floor to see King talking to Diane. 'This is wrong, I shouldn't be here.' I got up a flew away before they noticed I was there. I know eavesdropping wrong.
I got back like nothing happened and worked my shift. Elizabeth switched with Diane and I noticed she was glaring at me for a bit. I walked up to her worried I did something wrong. "Hey Diane, do you have a problem with me?" I asked, she looked like she was pissed. "Oh nothing..." She said walking away. 'Eh, okay???' I worked the rest of my shift and walked up to my room to find King sitting on the bed.
"King?" I asked in a concerned tone. "Y/N, we need to talk..." I knew what this was about. I went to go sit next to him. "What's wrong...?" I asked quietly. "You know how you asked about us sleeping in the same bed..?" King asked. "Yeah, what about it?" He paused. "Diane was upset about it..." I looked down. 'I knew she would get upset...' "She's so upset about it that she doesn't want us sleeping in the same room anymore..." King said covering his face. "O-Oh... it's fine, I understand." I said as I got up and hugged him, he hugged back. "It was nice while it lasted." I said breaking our embrace. "Thanks for understanding." King said as he left the room. 'He really isn't lying, I can't blame her. I'll get used to it'
~ King's POV ~
I closed the door, I stood there for a second of hesitation. 'Do I really want this? It was this or never talking to her again.' Then I heard something behind me, I jumped back and see Diane. "Did you tell her Harlequin?" She asked getting really close, I turn red. "Y-Yeah, but where am I sleeping now?" I asked backing up a bit. "With me!" Diane said excitedly and hugged me tight. I turn a bright red and flustered. "Are you sure!? I can sleep on chastiefol!" Diane huffed. "Well if you're my boyfriend then you should be okay with it." Diane said then I remembered what Y/N told me to do when flustered.
I was sitting on a branch when Y/N kissed the tip of my nose. I turned red and flustered, it was still odd for me to be kissed by her, I could see Y/N felt bad. "Hey, sorry. When ever you get flustered just take a deep breath and pay attention to the situation." Y/N said with a smile. I did what she said and I felt better. "See it worked." Y/N said with a small and quiet giggle.
I took a deep breath and looked at Diane.
"Okay let's head to your room." I said, she quickly grabbed me and ran to her room. 'She has the same energy as Y/N.' When we got there, Diane was already in the bed motioning for me to join her. I took another deep breath to not get flustered again. I took off my sweater and got into the bed. I felt Diane snuggle close to my chest, it felt nice. 'I'm sorry Y/N...'
'We're still friends.'
~ Y/N's POV ~
I could hear King and Diane from the other side of the door. "*sigh* I guess I'm by myself, again. And now I'm taking to myself. Great." I said to no one. 'Well they are in a relationship, it's normal for them to sleep together.' I changed out of uniform and got into bed. I turn over about to say good night but as I did I remembered King wasn't there. I sighed.

'Well, good night me.'

~ Time Skip (A Few Days) ~
I woke up the next day to find I single (favorite/flower) with a note next to me. I got up and read the note out loud. "Sorry, for not talking as much as usual. I got this for you, your favorite. I hope this helps. King." I picked up the flower and smiled. 'It is my favorite.' I put the flower in my hair and went downstairs. I was Ban making breakfast already, since it wasn't a work day I didn't have to wake up early. "Hi Ban!" I said with a smile. "Hey shortie, I have some pancakes." He said handing me a plate. "Thanks!" I said taking the plate. "What's with the flower?" Ban asked. "I dont know, I felt like wearing it." "I didn't think you would like F/F flowers." Ban said touching it. "Anyway do you want to go to town with me?" I asked since I had nothing to do. "Huh, sure." Ban said with a smile, I smile back.
After breakfast, Ban and I went to walk around town. I was flying down the street when I realized Ban wasn't with me. I look around then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see Elizabeth. "Oh! I thought you would be in the palace." "What kind of princess would I be if I didn't look at my out Kingdom!" Elizabeth said with a smile, that's when I noticed she was wearing an elegant dress. 'She is princess material' "So what are you doing?" "I was looking at the town with Ban, but I lost him." I said looking around some more. "Oh, isn't that Ban?" Elizabeth asked pointing down an alleyway behind me. "Oh, it is! I see you at the tavern Elizabeth, bye!" I said flying to Ban. "Goodbye, lady Y/N!" Elizabeth shouted with a wave. "Ban!" "Shortie? Where did you go?" Ban asked as I got to him. "I got lost." I said nervously with chuckle. "Stay next to me." Ban said ruffling my hair.
We were walking down a street, when I realized I would always do this with King but I don't see him anymore. I think my facial expression changed because Ban asked, "Are you okay Y/N?" "Eh, yeah I'm fine!" I said with a small smile. "No you're not, you're looking down and started to float downwards. What's actually wrong?" I knew I couldn't lie to him. "*sigh* I would always do this with King so it feels odd that he's not here." I explained. "It doesn't bother you that King and Diane are together?" Ban asked, I float up to his level. "No, he's happy with her." I said with actual smile. Then I saw Ban hiding something behind his back. "Do let it get you down, here." He said handing me a F/F. "Ban!? Did you steal that!?" I whisper-shouted. "Don't think about it." I took the flower and just held it.
We wondered a bit more when I felt someone following us. I stopped floating next to Ban and turned around. "Who's there?" I said. Then I saw a girl with light purple hair in a ponytail. "Janko?" Ban asked. 'Who is that?' "It's Jericho!" She shouted running up to ban. "Okay, why are you here?" "I saw you and this g-girl. So I kinda followed you, I wanted to know where you were going." Jericho explained. 'Kinda? How long has she been following us?' "Oh, we weren't doing anything. Just walking around." Ban said rubbing the back of his neck. "Well then I'll just tag along, got a problem with it!" She said pointing at Ban in an authoritative manner. "I don't, do you?" I asked Ban. "What ever, come along if you want Jericho." Ban said while he turned and walk away, I followed.
"Ban who is she?" I whispered. "Eh, she's no one." I knew he was hiding something. "Seriously" Ban paused. "*sigh* I stripped her down when escaping from jail." "God damn it Ban." I said in a disappointed tone.
We walked around for a bit longer. But I noticed Jericho didn't like or talk to me. When ever she talked it was to Ban or, when Ban wasn't paying attention, she would be very passive aggressive with me.
"Well, I'm going to head back to the tavern." I said as I paid for some ingredients. "Okay, I'll see ya there Y/N." Ban said waving at me. I was about to fly above the buildings when I felt something tug my shirt. I turn to see Jericho. "What is it Jericho?" I asked floating down. "I just wanted to say I know you love Ban too but I'm already going for him so-" Jericho started to ramble. I didn't want to deal with this nonsense so I spoke my mind. "So if you-" "I don't love Ban." I said leaving her speechless. "W-What?" "I don't know want you heard but I don't love Ban. Have a good night." I said flying away to the tavern.
When I got there, I put all the ingredients in their rightful place and went to my room. I took the flowers that King and Ban gave me and put them in vase. As I was putting the flowers on the table, I heard a knock on the door. I open the door to see Diane.
"Hey, can we talk?"
Word Count: 2101

My Sunflower {King x Reader} SDSWhere stories live. Discover now