Chapter 3

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Jeff is running.

But no, he isn't running away from  his house. He's already done that.

He's running on his friend's treadmill.

"I've got the- what are you doing?"

Jeff glances over to see his friend, a guy with blonde hair, younger than Jeff but taller (and quite possibly more mature). Unable to respond while running, out of breath as he is, he presses the button to stop the treadmill and stands there panting for air until he's caught his breath enough to reply, "Running."

His friend blinks at him. "I can tell. Why?"

Jeff emphatically waves his arms as he explains, "I have to-" *pant* "train if" *pant* "I want to save my mom!"

His friend frowns. "But I just got pizza."

"I don't want pizza," Jeff mumbles, stepping off of the treadmill and following his friend to the kitchen. "I want my perfectly amazing taco salad. But Bill is probably ruining it!"

"You've accepted this quite easily," his friend notes.

Jeff scowls. "Well denying it isn't going to save my mom. Or my taco salad. Besides, I saw it happen."

His friend shoots him a dry look. "I've seen stuff like this before and you never believed me when I told you. You always thought I was joking."

"Well, saying you saw a chicken with the head of Dwayne Johnson sure sounds like a joke, Dean."

Dean rolls his eyes. "Forget it. What's your plan?"

Jeff blinks.

"You don't have one? Great." Dean groans as he walks over to his computer. "Want me to come up with one, I bet."

"Uh," Jeff begins as he follows Dean, "I mean- no wait!" His eyes widen. "You said once you could contact people from other realms was that true?"

"No, Jeff, geez, don't believe everything I tell you," Dean chuckles. Jeff gives him a blank stare, until he finishes, "I have a friend who can. But he's busy."

"Oh." Jeff sighs. "So there's no hope of getting, like, Dipper and Mabel to take care of it for us."

"Nope. Sorry, dude."

Jeff stifles a laugh, and Dean narrows his eyes. "What's so funny?"

"No, it's just, your hair makes you look like enough of a surfer, don't say dude," Jeff laughs.

Dean rolls his eyes again. "You got another plan, or...?"

Jeff thinks, his face scrunching up as he does. "So... we have to contact someone in the real world I'm guessing...?" Dean nods, and Jeff continues thinking. "Oh! Bill is kinda like an alien, right? So what if we get, like, someone who knows about aliens to help us?"

"Like Sam-" Dean interrupts to ask, but Jeff is still speaking.

"Like that weirdo kid who lived here for a few months like seven years ago!"

"Uh, who?"

"I... can't remember his name," Jeff apologizes. "It was like Ned or something."

Dean stares at his friend. "Okay, but how would a kid help us?"

"Do you have a better idea?" Jeff challenged.

"Yeah. Sam Goode."

Now it was Jeff's turn to ask, "Who?"

--Author's Note--


Lol this story will infringe so many copyrights-

I have no idea where this is going though lol...

Like, I have no idea how to distinguish "real world" and not at this point.

It's so mishy mashy.

Like wishy washy but with mish mash

Lol I'm confusing myself. 

Ideas welcome!

As for this chapter, a few stones of this chapter contributed by radical_tincan (it deletes it if i "at" apparently)

I'll use more of your ideas later :)

In unexpected ways because that's more fun :)))

{ALSO YES I CHANGED VERB TENSE. In chapter 2 bc I couldn't remember what tense ch 1 was in and was too lazy to check. So now chapter 1 is in past and ch 2&3 are in present. Deal with it; I'm a lazy child.}

Until next time!
~Lily R. Conners

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