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Harry left again.

Just like the last time I went to buy three tubs of ice cream once his plane left. I then went home and cried while munching on my rocky road and watching idiotic television shows.

Once I was filled with ice cream, I had fallen asleep and slept through until two in the afternoon the next day. I was awoken by the harsh ringing of my cellphone.

"Hello?" I asked, rubbing the yellow goo from my eyes.

"Is this Louis Tomlinson?"

I straightened my back, becoming very worried, "this is he."

"Do you know of Harry Styles?"

I nodded to myself, "yes, yes I know him. What's wrong? Did something happen? Is he okay?"

"I'm Simon Cowell, head communicator working with your lover's unit. Nothing is wrong. There were a few mixups with paperwork. Harry isn't supposed to be flying back out here, he's out of the military for good, because of his health conditions. His plane has been landed and he will be getting on the next flight out of Germany to America. We hope we have caused you no troubles and we are sorry for the scare. He will be back home in a matter of hours."

"Thank you," I replied as a release of joyful tears streamed down my cheeks, "thank you so much. You don't know, you can't possibly know how grateful I am for this. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. I hope you and him live life happily and without fear of tomorrow. He's a good guy, but he's blessed to have you around with him," Simon explained to me, "he's been through hell and back, but on the way he found an angel."

I smiled to myself, "thank you so much. God bless you!"

"I must get back to making more calls, have a joyous holiday season. God bless you as well!"

With his final words, the kind stranger hung up and I was left to slightly thank God for answering my prayers. I quickly got out of bed to get ready for Harry's return, knowing very well he wouldn't want to see such a mess.

After taking care of the few piles of laundry I had yet to do and cleaning the few dirty dishes in the sink, I patiently waited for Harry's call, asking me to get him from the airport.

But no such thing came.

Just as I was getting worried and about to call Simon again to ask what the hell was going on, the doorbell rang. I stood, dusting off my jeans and fixing my hair, and swiftly walked towards the oak door. I unlocked it slowly and opened the door with caution only to find my sweet Harry to be on the other side with flowers in his hands, "delivery for a Louis Tomlinson."

I pulled him towards me and kissed him deeply, peppering kisses across his face, "I missed you. I missed you so, so much. And there may or may not be a few ice cream stains on the bed comforter, but I assure you they were not from me."

Harry chuckled as he walked through the door, "oh my darling, you absolutely are adorable. I was only gone for just over a day."

"A day with out you is an eternity," I stated simply.

"You over exaggerate! Live in the moment, my dear! Come, let's dance."

"Harry, that's foolish."

"Foolish or fun? I think it's the latter," Harry spoke, he then grabbed my hand carefully and began to spin me around the living room. 

I laughed, "this is ridiculous! What music are we even dancing to? We look like a bunch of fools." 

"Just listen," Harry whispered. I quieted and listened to his humming, "don't question it, just go with it," Harry lead me in our dance. His right hand placed on my hip and his left hand in my right. My left hand lay on his neck as our feet slide across the room.

I nearly tripped on the coffee table, but Harry caught me in a swift move, "don't worry, I've got you."

"Harry," I spoke after a long while, "do you see us having a future together?"

"My only future is of you."

"Then can we marry?"

He smiled, "of course."

"But I must tell you something beforehand. Something that may upset you."

"What ever it is you can tell me."

I stopped the dancing and looked Harry in the eyes before looking down at my feet, "I once...I once loved someone. Then that someone went off to war. They sent letters, postcards, they even called from time to time. But that is besides the point. He was sent to war and never returned. We...we were engaged for over a year, had dated for three. Needless to say, I was shattered, broken beyond repair and then you came along. And you seemed to fix every little thing. But there is still a hole in my heart. I believe it will always be there. I just feel that once someone you loved leaves you, you may forget, but your heart will always remember."

I took a deep breath, "and I just want you to know that if I were to lose you, I don't think that I'd be able to bear the pain, because I love you so deeply and you have all my heart."

"We all lose someone at some point in time, Louis. It's a matter of how you overcome that loss and I think you've done a wonderful job. And if you are ever to lose me, please do not dwell. You've made me the happiest man alive and I couldn't ask for anything more and I would love it if you married me."

I smiled, happy to have lifted this weight off my chest so I could actually breath again and proud to have found happiness yet again, "then we shall have to set a date."

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