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We made it work. I worked longer hours; Harry worked less. I worked at the bank; Harry worked as a writer who was trying to open eyes to the life of a person with PTSD. He thought it would be best to share his story in order to help those who are in the same or a similar situation as he is.

He went to therapy sessions so they could help him sort out his feelings and think of better things. They seemed to work, but his therapist recommended we both talk about the situation so Harry could get better. We went to yet another therapist to talk about Harry's nightmares, thoughts, feelings, worries and triggers.

We went to a few sessions like that and Harry started to get better. The nightmares were less frequent. His thoughts were less violent. He was happier. I was proud of him for being brave and conquering his fears. Life seemed better this way; with Harry typing away on his laptop and myself playing with the kids. We felt good about how things ended up.

The kids slowly began to grow up. It wasn't until Lillie was going to her first ever homecoming as a freshman that Harry and I realized just how fast the years have gone by. Lillie was starting high school, Nate was ending middle school and Jace was just starting sixth grade. It was terrible to think that in just seven years all of our babies would be grown up and facing their own life problems.

Harry hummed in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "you have that look on your face. Why do you look so sad, baby?" He questioned, leaving gentle kisses on my neck.

I looked at myself in our bathroom mirror, "I don't know. I just don't like thinking about the kids leaving," I admitted.

"Don't think about it then. Think about all the memories we still have left to create and then there's even more. When they have kids of their own and we're grandparents, we'll have just as many laughs as we have had with the three of them," Harry tells me. He smiles a bit, "besides, I'll always be here to entertain you."

I raise an eyebrow, "entertain me how?"

Harry slowly begins to rock me back and forth. He then turns me around and we start to dance in our small bathroom, "I can entertain you by dancing. Or maybe you'd want to hear a monologue by yours truly. Then again, you might want me to sing to you. I can terribly play the piano for you, but I know you'd laugh," he spins me around, "and I can love you until the end of time if you let me."

I grinned, "I'll love you longer."

"I'll love you more," he says with a smirk.

"I'll love you like no other."

"I'll love you like you've never been loved before," he says, inching closer to my lips.

"Just kiss me," I whispered. Then our lips were touching and I was pulling Harry closer to me, begging him to run his hands all over me.

I loved feeling close to Harry. I loved feeling in love with him which it a silly thing to say, but it was so hard not to fall in love with him and then want more. I was lucky to have the opportunity to fall in love with such a man.

Harry pulled back, laughing a little bit, "what?" I questioned him as I wondered what could possibly be so funny that he needed to interrupt.

"It's just funny to think that if I had never gone to that dance, if I never saw you standing there all alone, if I had never joined the Air Force to begin with, I would have never met you. I can't imagine my life without you in it and I constantly wonder how I had lived without you before. You've lighten up my world. You've taught me to always look for the good in people. You've taught me so many things like how to change a diaper, how to love someone unconditionally, how to always find a way to solve things and to always think outside of the box. You're truly one in a million and I can't believe you're my husband. Out of the millions of males in the world, you end up marrying me. I love  you so much."

Honestly, I thought I was going to cry.

Instead, I smiled at his kind words and kissed him once more, "I love you, too. And I can't help but fall more and more in love with you as the days pass. Just this morning I fell in love with the way you make french toast," I said with a chuckle, "and long ago I fell in love with the way you read the kids bedtime stories. Before that, I feel in love with the way you carried me, afraid you might drop and break me as if I am a China doll. I first fell in love with your eyes then your hair, nose, ears, and lips. I fell in love with your touch, your kiss, your hands. And even now I am falling in love with the way you look at me, how your eyes are so soft and watching me ramble."

I looked to see that Harry was smiling down at me and I couldn't stop myself from continuing my thoughts, "You've taught me how to love again and that is something I will appreciate forever. Harry Styles, you are my one and only love and I will love you until the mountains are swallowed by the oceans and the deserts become seas. I will love you until the end of time and then even farther."

That night we made love to each other like never before. By the end we were tired and our eyes wanted nothing more to close as we held each other close and even then we were still able to express our love for each other. Harry leaned down to kiss the top of my head and I knew that I made the perfect decision to give my heart to the curly haired pilot I met at a dinner party.

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