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There's something about watching Harry play with children that makes me feel like my whole life is made. Maybe it's the way he speaks to them, making them feel safe in his presence. Or the way he chases them around the yard that makes me have to giggle. Then again, it might be the huge smile that's on his face when he looks over at me to make sure I'm alright.

I nod. I always nod even when I am not feeling very well, but Harry knows that. He knows that things have been getting harder as my body gets older.

"You haven't been sick today?" He'd ask. I'd shake my head no even though the clear answer was yes. "Are you lying to me?" He'd then question. And how could I not tell the truth? I'd nod and wait for his reply.

He'd always recommend I rest, "lay down," he'd say, "it's not good to be up on your feet all day running around."

I obey every time and lie down for a quick nap or just to rest my eyes. Either way it works and I awake with new found energy.

"What are you four building?" I asked in my preppiest voice, knowing the kids loved it when we talked happier than we were.

"We're building a big, big tower! Taller than Antarctica, huh daddy?" Nathan, the middle child, answered.

"Antarctica is a place, Nate, not a tower," Lillie, the eldest, corrected, "this tower is going to be bigger than the Eiffel Tower!" She said, adding another few blocks to the figure.

"Hey, you stole my blocks. Give them back!" Jace, the youngest complained. He tried to steal the blocks from Nathan, "I want my blocks!"

"You have to share, Jace!"

"Daddy, Nate stole my blocks and won't give them back!" Jace screamed. Harry interfered, trying to handle the situation.

"Nathan, please give a few blocks to your brother. You both can have some. No body likes a hogger, huh Da-Da?" Harry asked, splitting the blocks between the two boys.

I crouched down next to them, "that's right. People who hog aren't very nice and I know that my little boys are the nicest they get, huh?" Jace wobbled over to me and sat in my lap. I tickled his sides and left kisses on his cheeks.

"Yeah, we're nice!" Jace exclaimed.

"Speak for yourself, I'm a villain. I can't be nice. I'm supposed to be mean and capture all the kitties," Nathan spoke.

"Why are you getting all the pussy cats? You aren't going to get Welma, are you?" Jace questioned his older brother. Harry and I laughed when he tried to pronounce "Velma" which was the name of the cat we had got before we ever got the kids.

"Just let him do what he wants," Lillie said, "we have to finish this tower before bedtime."

Lillie was the one that liked to get things done. She loved being the boss too, which her younger brothers didn't really like, but who else where they supposed to listen to?

"But I need to protect Welma," Jace said, getting up from my lap to go try and pick up the cat.

"I don't think that's a good idea, buddy," Harry warned. He sat up and watched as Jace went over to "kindly" pet Velma.

"Come Welma, I have to get you before Nate does," Jace asked nicely. When Velma didn't move, he decided the best thing he could do to get her to move is pull her tail. Velma hissed and scurried away and Jace came running back to us, "you can have Welma. She's mean," he told Nathan as he snuggled closer to me.

"Nah, you can keep her. She scares me," Nate said, he added a few more blocks to the tower, "hey, Lillie."

"What?" Lillie asked, annoyed with her siblings.

"Can I make the tower go weeee," Nate asked, motioning the fall of the three foot tall tower.

Lillie gave him a look, "no. If you try to I will stop you. That's not nice, Nate."

"You're no fun. I wanna make it go weee! Let me make it go weee!" Nate said, attacking his sister.

Harry interrupted the fight, by pulling Nathan off of Lillie, "you should know better," he scolded, "I don't think you'll get to play Tower anymore if you are mean towards your sister."

Nathan pouted and crossed his arms, "I didn't want to play Tower anyways."

"Then I guess no more Cars either," Harry said.

"No! I still want to play Cars. I like Cars! Lemme play Cars!" Nathan whined.

"You can play Cars if you apologize to your sister," Harry compromised.

Nathan sighed, not wanting to admit he had made a mistake, but soon walked towards his sister and said he was sorry. His sister said it was okay and they hugged to make up for their small argument. I wish it were that easy to solve problems nowadays. It seemed that being an adult meant having to avoid your problems and just hope someone else would solve it. But that's only how I feel.

"How are you feeling, my love?" Harry questioned quietly, leaving a kiss on my temple, "any better?"

I leaned into his touch, wanting him to hold me in his arms which he did. I hummed slightly closing my eyes just to enjoy the moment, "I'm fine."

"We should take you in to a doctor. They could help find out what's wrong," Harry said, trying to stay quiet so the kids wouldn't become worried.

"It's fine, Harry, I'll be okay."

He gave me a few more kisses here and there, "I just want you to feel okay. I can't stand to see you in pain knowing it's a war I can't fight for you."

I smiled weakly, "you don't need to fight it for me. You just need to fight it with me."


Hello all! I am in the process of making a trailer for this book and I can't wait to share it with you all! I will post it once it is done. :)

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