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Harry and I were able to figure things out and I ended up going to work at the local diner while Harry looked for work that would pay more. In the meantime, he worked odd hours at the mechanics' shop, fixing automobiles; we worked this way for a couple of years.

It wasn't how we were expecting to do things, but then again nothing so far in our marriage was expected. I was just glad to be working through this rough patch with my best friend and loving husband.

"I've got dinner on the table and the kids cleaned up to eat. Do you think you'll be able to join us?" Harry questions over the phone.

"I can't make it. I have a late shift tonight, I'll be home around nine, so save me something to eat and maybe wait up for me? I just want to talk to you," I said, taking a few minutes of my break at the diner. 

"Of course I'll wait up for you, love. I'll even eat with you. I'll see you then. I love you," Harry spoke. 

I was surprised at how many times we can say those three words and they never seem to wear out. I truly have found the perfect match for me. 

"I love you too, Harry. I'll see you later. Make sure Nate gets his medicine and Jace--" 

"Reads before bed," Harry said, finishing my sentence, "alright, will do. Drive home safely."

Then Harry hung up and I went back to busting tables and saving my tips in order to save up for that special present the kids wanted. It wasn't until I was just about to leave when a peculiar looking man walked into the diner with a gun in his hand, pointing it straight at me.

He demanded that I "hand over the money" which was very cliche in my opinion. Nonetheless, I was scared to death and silently panicking.

"Come on, old man! Hand over the money!" He ordered yet again.

"Don't even think about shooting him," a voice spoke behind the stranger. I was so happy to hear that voice, "put the gun down."

The robber didn't listen and instead turned around to try and shoot Zayn. Zayn fired at his chest and the man feel down.

"I think I just pissed myself," I had said, the only thing coming to mind. Zayn didn't laugh.

"Holy fuck. Call the police," Zayn said, walking around the body to stand across from me, "tell them there was an attempted robbery and they need to get here pronto."

I nodded quickly, dialing the number into the phone and listened to it ring. I told the operator what had happened and she sent down a few officers to come investigate.

Once they arrived, we told them everything that happened in detail and Zayn explained that he is permitted to carry a weapon, even showing the papers. We explained how the death of the man was all out of self defense.

When it was all done and over with, I arrived home around ten-thirty, our bedroom light was still on. I tiptoed past the kids' bedrooms and quietly opened our door to find Harry laying wide awake.

"Oh, God! I was getting so worried about you," he got up and rushed over to give me a hug, "are you okay? What happened?"

"Attempted robbery," I said and then went into further explanation when I laid down and cuddled into Harry's side.

He kissed me once on top of the head and held me tighter, "I could have lost you tonight. God, I'm so glad you're here right now."

"Thank God, Zayn wanted to stop by and see me, good thing he knew I was working late too," I said.

"He's always there in the right place at the right time," Harry pointed out.

"He always seems to have my back," I stated. I was glad I was able to find such a loving friend that continued to put up with me throughout the years.

"He's a good uncle too. He stopped by today actually, that's how he knew about you working late. I didn't expect him to stop by and see you. I'm so glad he did. Things could have taken a turn for the worst today."

"But they didn't and that is what we have to be grateful for. I'm okay, you're okay, the kids are great. We're all happy right now. Even though that's bound to change at some point, I just want you to know that I'm here for you through anything."

There was a silence between us. It was the kind of silence that made me worried and curious as to what my beloved husband was thinking.

"The nightmares are back," he had said, "so I've been sleeping on the couch and staying up late and waking up early to make breakfast for all of you. I-I just feel less of myself lately and I don't know what to do."

I let out a sigh, "we need to see a doctor, babe."

"Like a drug is going to fix my problem."

"It can, Harry. There must be other ways you can handle them. The doctor could have recommendations for you."

"I don't see how a doctor can wave a wand and make all the terrible sights go away. I-I just don't know."

"Harry, what happened out there? What's the cause of your nightmares?" I asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Harry replied.

I hated when he did this; when he sinks back into his shell like he's a scared turtle. It was something I had to get used to.

"Please, maybe if I know I can help you," I offered.

"I saw my best friend die out there and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't save them. I couldn't protect them. I got to sit there as they breathed out their last words. I saw the color drain from their faces; the life drain from their bodies and there was nothing I could do. I was able to watch bullets fly over my head, my possible death looking me straight in the eyes, but I couldn't bare to watch my best friend die. My hands were covered in his blood from hopelessly trying to save him. He was shot straight in the heart, straight in the goddamn heart, there was nothing I could do. Images...pictures of him play in my head on repeat. I hear him scream, I hear boots on the ground, I hear guns firing and bullets flying. I see him fall and I feel myself run towards him and every time, every fucking time, I am so close to saving him. But I don't. And it's the worst nightmare I have ever had which never seems to stop repeating. And, fuck, I just get bad thoughts about losing you and not being able to save or protect you and I can't bare that thought."

Harry was crying, which just by looking at him made me want to cry. But I held myself together and laid one gentle kiss on his forehead.

"We can work this out."

[ This is nearly the end. The next part will be the closing bit and then the epilogue will be afterwards. -M ]

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