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Chapter twenty-six

The both of us entered into a comfortable silence as the both of us remained in the kitchen. Corey kept his icepack pressed onto my wrists since they were starting to bruise even though his fist was in a worse shape.

The pop that sounded from his knuckles still rang in my head and I asked him to get himself checked because I was sure it wasn't just a bruise. I worried about how it would affect his games.

I knew his dad was hard on him during practice and wondered how he'd react knowing about this.

We're both still in the kitchen when Isaiah comes home. "Isla?" He calls out when he enters the deafeningly silent house.

"In the kitchen," I say, standing up to go to him but he enters the kitchen before I could.

"I talked to Mr. Gomez-" Isaiah stops midsentence, staring at Corey on the stool and then at me, his eyes dropping to the bruise on my wrists and then to Corey's bandaged fist.

"Isaiah," I start the moment I see a look I've only ever seen reserved for one person on his face. "It's not-"

"What the fuck did you do?" Isaiah growls, launching himself at Corey who's stunned.


"I'm not letting you go through this again," he cuts me off as he fists Corey's shirt in his hands.

Corey doesn't fight back, instead, he looks to me then Isaiah, the dots connecting in his head.

"Isaiah! He didn't do this!" I yell with blood pumping violently through my veins and Isaiah's head snaps towards me.

He stares at me, as though trying to figure out if I was telling the truth. "Ty wouldn't leave me alone and Corey helped but it escalated to a fight. I got between them and Ty pushed me off. That's it. It isn't Corey's fault." I say just as he releases his hold on Corey.

"I'm sorry," he tells Corey but his eyes are one me. "Ty's coming around the school again?" Isaiah asked and I nod. He curses under his breath, hands going through his hair.

He thinks about something for a moment then looks at me, eyes wide with an idea. "What if you moved?"

"What?" I ask and Corey looks just as confused, if not worried.

"Move away from here. You can stay with me."

"You want me to come stay with you? Your new apartment's across town, how am I going to get to school?" I ask, brows bunched together in confusion.

"You could transfer. WoodsField just a little drive down my apartment." He says and Corey lights up at this and although the idea of being in the same school as him was nice, I couldn't see through the idea.

"So you want me to run away? What does that say about me? Plus, I only have about half a year left before I'm done with high school, isn't that a waste?"

"You have nothing to prove, Isla. You need time away to heal and him constantly being on your tail isn't helping that. Not to mention, it isn't safe either. I spoke with Mr Gomez today and it's highly likely that he's going to be reenrolled." He says and I slump against the counter, wondering what were my choices.

It felt like I was taking the cowards way out, letting my anxiety overpower me but Isaiah was right. What was I trying to prove? Seeing him every day wasn't going to benefit me right now since I'm just starting to heal.

I didn't have to face him to be strong. I had to heal, take care of myself and do what I need to be strong.

And maybe being away from everything, away from triggers and memories would do me good. Allow me to heal at my own pace.

"What will Papa and Momma think? They wouldn't-"

"I'll handle them," Isaiah says quickly. "So is this what you want?" He asks and I looked at Corey who has a smile on his face, nodding eagerly.

"Yeah, it is. God, it'll be nice to have a change of scenery." I say, heaving a breath as I felt a weight lifted off my shoulder. Maybe this was exactly what I needed.

"Great, I'll call Papa, get him to arrange a meeting with Mr Gomez." He walks back out of the kitchen after kissing the top of my head. "Maybe you could help me with my restaurant too!" He almost squeals the last part and I manage to laugh even considering the circumstances.

The moment he leaves, Corey looks at me. "You'll be going to WoodsField?" He asks even though he was here for the entire conversation, simply needing confirmation from me.

"I guess I am," I shrug, everything still feeling unreal. I felt like a big decision was just made too fast but it felt good.

I felt lighter and I realised I've been doing it wrong. You see in the movies, the victim facing their attacker, all healed and unbothered and that's when they realise they're strong.

But that's not it. It's doing what's best for you. It's putting yourself first and taking care of yourself and healing.

I wasn't going to force myself to face Ty, that wasn't proof of my strength. It was how I lived. I was sure when I got better in the future, I'd be able to face him but I never wanted to. There was no need.

I didn't have to fight my entire school system to try and keep him from going to school, putting my mental health in the middle of all of that. It sucks that the justice system fails this way but it doesn't mean I'm running away by leaving. I'm simply doing what's best for me.

Corey's lips stretch into the purest smile and he wraps his uninjured arm around me, giving me a kiss before pulling back. "Maybe now you'll finally be cheering for me."

A/N: It's been forever, I know. Sorry, Just Us is back now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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