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Chapter seventeen

Everything in me hurts because, fuck, nobody should feel that way. Ever. She's been so soft and gentle, I can't imagine her going through something the complete opposite.

Isla's on my lap and finally, she looks at rest. I feel my mind calm down a little but my blood still boils. I should've taken that swing at Tyrone when I had the chance. I saw him twice and both times the asshole acted like what he did was nothing. That guy was twisted.

I was going to kill him the next time I saw him. I wasn't planning on missing another opportunity to take a swing but I didn't know if that'll just make Isla feel worse. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel unsafe with me.

I feel her shift on top of me and I think she's asleep. She buries her head further into the crook of my neck and I catch the scent of my soap on her. My body starts relaxing as she's in my arms. I gently stand up, making sure not to wake her as I place her on my bed.

I pull away but I feel her tiny hands as it remained gripped onto my shirt. I can't tell if she's awake because her eyes are shut. My hands take hers in, pulling them away from my shirt. Soon, she turns to her side and I pull my covers over her. I lean over, placing a kiss on her temple right before heading back to the living room.

I sink onto the couch, everything that happened flashing before my eyes like film from an old projector. The fear in her eyes when she thought I'd look at her differently hurt in a way I've never experienced before. I can't believe she's been carrying this on herself all this time. Everything started making sense, though, with how she'd react when I said his name or how jumpy she'd be from time to time.

I'm not sure how long it's been when I hear the door open because I was too far in my head. I'm panicking a little because if it's Dad, he's going to flip. I don't want Isla to have to deal with him yet, especially not after what just happened. Thankfully, Chance strolls in instead.

"Hey," he frowns at the feminine shoes by the door, as he looks at me with suspicion.

"Isla's in the room."

"Dude, gross!" There was the younger brother I knew and loved.

"It's not like that," I throw the couch pillow at him, hitting him right in the head. "She's just resting."

"I think Dad's about to come home soon. You ready for her to meet him?" He asks and before I could answer, a small voice speaks.

"Meet who?"

"Our dad," Chance says and Isla's eyes go a little wide. They're still red and tired and I wished she had slept a little longer.

"Oh, it's okay. I think I'm going to head home." She tells us but I stand up.

"You don't have to," I tell her because I didn't have the heart to let her leave. Not after what she told me. I wanted to keep her here with me so that I know she's safe. So that she knows she's safe.

But she shakes her head, her pink lips lifting into a smile.

"I have to be home by 11 or my parents will flip."

"Okay, I'll send you back." And before she could protest, I take the keys in my hands and walk out the door. There was no way in hell I was letting her go back alone after what just happened.

We sit in the car, in silence but it was a comforting one. Like no words were needed at that moment. One hand on the wheel and the other holding onto Isla's, I began the drive to her place. Her head's resting against the car seat, eyes closed as she focuses on her breathing. I feel her thumb brush against my hand, almost like she's reminding herself that I'm here.

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