The Nesoi

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The Nesoi are the Greek goddesses of the islands and seas. Each island was said to have its own personification. They were classified as one of the ancient elemental Greek primordial deities.

Each island was said to have its own goddess and they were thought to originally have been Ourea who were cast into the sea by Poseidon out of rage. They were probably daughters of Gaea.

This would suggest that the Nesoi are the female equivalents of the Ourea, the mountains.

There were said to be only 10 Ourea in Greek mythology though, but if each island was represented by a Nesoi, then there would be hundreds of such goddesses.

Callimachus, the Libyan Greek scholar, talked of the creation of the Nesoi, the islands being created when Poseidon struck down the Ourea with his trident, flinging them into the sea.

​This though, would mean the transformation from god to goddess, and of course, Poseidon was a late comer to the Greek pantheon, born generations after the Protogenoi.

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