The Argonauts

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Argonaut, in Greek legend, any of a band of 50 heroes who went with Jason in the ship Argo to fetch the Golden Fleece. Jason's uncle Pelias had usurped the throne of Iolcos in Thessaly, which rightfully belonged to Jason's father, Aeson. Pelias promised to surrender his kingship to Jason if the latter would retrieve the Golden Fleece from Colchis.

The Golden Fleece had originated in the following manner. Jason's uncle Athamas had had two children, Phrixus and Helle, by his first wife, Nephele, the cloud goddess. Ino, his second wife, hated the children of Nephele and persuaded Athamas to sacrifice Phrixus as the only means of alleviating a famine. But before the sacrifice, Nephele appeared to Phrixus, bringing a ram with a golden fleece on which he and his sister Helle tried to escape over the sea. Helle fell off and was drowned in the strait that after her was called the Hellespont. Phrixus safely reached the other side, and, proceeding to Colchis on the farther shore of the Euxine (Black) Sea, he sacrificed the ram and hung up its fleece in the grove of Ares, where it was guarded by a sleepless dragon.

Jason, having undertaken the quest of the fleece, called upon the noblest heroes of Greece to take part in the expedition. According to the original story, the crew consisted of the chief members of Jason's own race, the Minyans; later, other and better-known heroes, such as Castor and Polydeuces, were added to their number.

The Argonauts arrived at Lemnos, which was occupied only by women, and remained there several months. Proceeding up the Hellespont, they sailed to the country of the Doliones, by whose king, Cyzicus, they were hospitably received. After their departure, however, they were driven back to the same place by a storm and were attacked by the Doliones, who did not recognize them, and in the ensuing battle Jason killed Cyzicus. On reaching the country of the Bebryces, the Argonauts were challenged by the king Amycus, who forced all passing travelers to box with him in the hope of killing them. Polydeuces accepted the challenge and slew him. At the entrance to the Euxine Sea the Argonauts met Phineus, the blind and aged king whose food was constantly polluted by the Harpies. After being freed by the winged sons of Boreas, Phineus told them the course to Colchis and how to pass through the Symplegades, or Cyanean rocks—two cliffs that moved on their bases and crushed whatever sought to pass. Following his advice, Jason sent ahead a dove that was damaged between the rocks, but thanks to Athena the Argo slipped through while the rocks were rebounding. From that time the rocks became fixed and never closed again.

When the Argonauts finally reached Colchis, they found that the king, Aeëtes, would not give up the fleece until Jason yoked the king's fire-snorting bulls to a plow and plowed the field of Ares. That accomplished, the field was to be sown with dragon's teeth from which armed men were to spring. Aeëtes' daughter, the sorceress Medea, who had fallen in love with Jason, gave him a salve that protected him from the bulls' fire and advised him to cast a stone at the newborn warriors to cause them to fight to the death among themselves. After these tasks were accomplished, Aeëtes still refused to give over the fleece. Medea, however, put the dragon to sleep, and Jason was able to abscond with the fleece and Medea. Various accounts are given of the homeward course; eventually the Argo reached Iolcos and was placed in a grove sacred to Poseidon in the Isthmus of Corinth.

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