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"Hey Becs" Chloe smiled as she walked into her best friends room.
"Hey Darlin', what's up?" Beca asked closing her laptop.

Darlin' became Chloes nickname after the Beca got drunk one night and her southern roots came out. Chloe enjoyed it because only Beca would call her that. It just stuck.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to hang out with you before my date" she smiled.
"Okay so I won't be seeing you tonight, good to know" Beca sighed and Chloe raised an eyebrow.
"What's that suppose to mean?" Chloe asked slightly offended.
"It means that whenever you go out on a date, especially when it's Tom or Brandon, you never come home. Or you come home at like four in the morning." Beca confessed.
"That's not true" she defended.
"It is Chlo, and honestly the girls and I are starting to worry about you." Beca told her truthfully.
"There's nothing to worry about Beca. I'm fine. I'm just having fun" she told her.
"Having fun almost every night of the week? With different guys almost each time? What's going on Chlo, this isn't like you" Beca said seriously.
"Beca I'm fine. Seriously. I'm just trying to have a good college experience. I spent the past four years only worrying about the bellas and school work. I want to have fun" she told her.
"I'll drop it for now because I'm gonna be late but we're coming back to this later. I'll see you tomorrow" Beca said packing up her laptop and heading out of their house.

Beca didn't actually have anywhere to go but she knew Chloes mother lived only an hour away from them. She was concerned about her best friend so she set off that direction.

A little later she pulled up outside Chloes childhood home. She got out and made her way up to the front door. Once she knocked she was greeted by the woman she considers her second mom.
"Beca! What a surprise, I've missed you!" She exclaimed as she pulled Beca into a tight hug.
"Hey Cindy how are you?" She asked as the two made their way inside.
"I've been wonderful dear, how about you?" She asked as they sat on the sofa.
"I've been good" she smiled.
"So what brought you here?" Cindy asked.
"I uh wanted to talk to you about Chloe, the girls and I are kind of worried about her to be honest" Beca told her as she played with her fingers nervously.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"She's been going on dates every night for the past month or so, well she tells us there dates but she never comes home. She claims that she just wants to have fun but this isn't like her at all." Beca confessed.
"Did this start after she broke up with Daniel?" Mrs Beale asked and Beca nodded.
"He must of said something to send her back into her old habits" she said.
"What do you mean 'old habits'?" She asked confused.
"When Chloe was in high school she dated a boy named Tyler. They dated from freshman year until the end junior year. He was very mentally abusive towards Chloe. Her father and I never knew about this until close to the end of senior year. He always put her down, told her she wasn't worth it, didn't deserve love and other things as well. He never truly loved Chloe. He used her for her popularity status and her body. He even physically abused her at some points but made sure that he didn't leave bruises where they'd be visible. When he cheated on her, he broke up with her and Chloe spiraled. She began hooking up with multiple boys, she became quite depressed and even turned to drugs at one point. Daniel must of said something when she broke up with him to trigger her. Please help her Beca." Cindy told her.
"I can't believe he did that to her. I promise Cindy I'll try my best to help her but she's pushing us away." Beca said sadly.
"Push back." Cindy smiled.
"I will. I better head back to campus. It was nice seeing you again. Thank you for the help. I'll visit again soon" Beca smiled as she stood up.

Cindy hugged her and said her goodbyes as Beca left. She got in her car and drove all the way back to Barden. When she entered the house she was met with an angry redhead.
"Hey darlin'. Is everything alright?" Beca asked as she set her keys down.
"Why did you go see my mother?" Chloe asked angrily.
"How did you find out about that?" She asked.
"I got a text roughly twenty minutes ago saying please listen to Beca honey. What's that about?" She asked again.
"Listen Chlo, I'm worried about you. I know you said your fine but now I don't think that's the truth. Chloe your mother told me about high school, about Tyler and about senior year." Beca confessed.
"You had no right Beca! No right to invade my privacy like that!" She yelled.
"Chloe please! I love you more then anything. You're my best friend and I don't want anything to happen to you!" Beca yelled back.
"I don't need your help! Stay the fuck out of my life!" She screamed before storming out of the house, making sure to shoulder check Beca on the way.

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